Hey all this is the response back from vendor support:
"Sam, I think I've got this figured out. What we're looking for when it comes to the caller ID number is the user part of the from URI. For example, when you send a call that says "From: “XXXXXXXXXX” <sip:…" in the INVITE header we're going to use the username (starting with sip
as your outbound caller ID number. ACME will drop the phone number in quotes. You should configure the PBX to send us the from line reading From: sip:CALLERID@sipserver.com. If this isn't possible with your implementation of FusionPBX/FreeSwitch you can also choose to add an asserted identity to the INVITE which ACME will respect and pass on to the FS and SBCs."
Can I just add XXXXXXXXXX@sipserver.com to the effective_caller_ID? Or is there something I'm missing here?
Long story short the end issue is that effective_caller_ID shows up as 000000000 to people or unknown caller, but only through a particular vendor.
Through another vendor it works but this vendor is saying they read the "from" on sip invite, and it needs to look like the above.
"Sam, I think I've got this figured out. What we're looking for when it comes to the caller ID number is the user part of the from URI. For example, when you send a call that says "From: “XXXXXXXXXX” <sip:…" in the INVITE header we're going to use the username (starting with sip
Can I just add XXXXXXXXXX@sipserver.com to the effective_caller_ID? Or is there something I'm missing here?
Long story short the end issue is that effective_caller_ID shows up as 000000000 to people or unknown caller, but only through a particular vendor.
Through another vendor it works but this vendor is saying they read the "from" on sip invite, and it needs to look like the above.