UP 0 years, 0 days, 8 hours, 4 minutes, 29 seconds, 589 milliseconds, 320 microseconds
FreeSWITCH (Version 1.6.20 -37-987c9b9 64bit) is ready
408 session(s) since startup
8 session(s) - peak 45, last 5min 8
0 session(s) per Sec out of max 30, peak 10, last 5min 4
1000 session(s) max
min idle cpu 0.00/98.77
Current Stack Size/Max 240K/8192K
freeswitch@xdc-pbx1> show timer
On a really beefy server, I just downloaded this:
from here:
and then followed your video guide to move the hardware over.