Currently, I am having an auto-provision issue from a client site. I can get other phones to auto-provision just fine, but from this one site it won't work. When I go to from the client site I receive NGINX 404 error. but if I go to the URL from another site it works just fine. The first thought is fail2ban so I restarted fail2ban and then stopped it and still the same issue. I also added the client IP to ignoreip in the jail ontop of stopping fail2ban. Then I registered the phones successfully so now I'm really confused. So I was thinking why don't I try to download the CFG file from my other fusion server from the client site and that worked properly. So what could be inside fusion that is blocking a specific IP from downloading the cfg file.
Attached is a full diagram of the testing and results I have done so far.
Attached is a full diagram of the testing and results I have done so far.