
  1. A

    Access remotely voicemail

    Hey everyone, trying to access the voicemail from outside the office following the instructions on https://docs.fusionpbx.com/en/latest/applications/voicemail.html, but when presing star (*) calls disconnects. Any idea on how can this be achive? Thanks!
  2. B

    Voicemail Prompts messed up!! Help plz!!

    after listening to a voicemail, the system gives you options: to listen press 1, to delete press 5 etc. Those instructions are wrong. It says to forward press 7, but by pressing 7 it deletes the message. it used to be that "7" was delete and "9" was safe/forward to email. now it's all messed...
  3. M

    extension vm greeting upload

    I have a customer that sent me their voicemail greeting. I know I need to change it to wav 8/16. But once I do that where do I upload it? I have clicked around and cant seem to find an option to upload vm's extension greetings. I do see a place in the voicemail section that has an options...
  4. H

    Voicemail Module isn't running

    Hi dear, I have installed and configured FusionPBX on Debian 9. I have done all the settings regarding voicemail and email. One issue i'm facing is that the voicemail module is not running. It gives an error (switch_loadable_module.c:1785 Error Loading module...
  5. B

    Voicemail NOT showing up

    Customer says that they can sometimes get a voicemail and they listen in to their voicemails and it says NO NEW VOICEMAILS but next morning all the new voicemails that came i last night show up, Where do I start to check with this one?
  6. P

    Email Template

    Hey Guys. I have a hard time to configure the email template the fusionpbx uses for voicemail to email. i want to use the de-de template and changed the language of the Server in Default settings but the Server keeps using en-us default. Do you have any ideas how i can get him to use the...
  7. D

    Voicemail Pin - Deactivation

    At present to access Voicemail from a softphone the user has to dial *97 followed by their voicemail pin number How can we disable the "pin prompt" so that the caller can access voicemail without entering the pin?
  8. J

    Voicemail Transcript Issue - SOLVED

    Hi everyone, I was using voicemail transcript since 2015 with Microsoft. Since late February 2021, the Microsoft transcript does not function and I receive ${message_text} instead of transcripts in the emails. I think this is because of the changes Microsoft made, which it had announced long...
  9. F

    DTMF Problem (Digits not recognized)

    Hi, we have a problem with DTMF digits. If I configure a Cisco with a FusionPBX extension I can't access the voicemail cause it doesn't recognize the typed numbers. The only way to make it works is enable SIP Info, but the problem is that not all phones have it. Any suggestion on how solve...
  10. P

    FusionPBX Database for Voicemail

    Hey Guys. I'm trying to build a application that enables the Uuer to Listen to voicemail messages via Web-Interface. I found nothing like that in the Internet. But i have a question: "What is the name of the Database where FusionPBX saves the Messages Infos?" On vanilla Freeswitch is a Database...
  11. K

    Is "Voicemail" broken in the latest version of FusionPBX?

    I'm running into an issue where I can't really manage my voicemail boxes because they don't show up under the "Voicemail" section. I have one voicemail box for extension 101 and it does not show up in the voicemail section. If I go into "Voicemails" and create a new voicemail box, that also...
  12. F


    When you clear the VMs out of the Message Center on a Polycom, but MWI will never appear again. Been reading and found the post http://wiki.fusionpbx.com/index.php?title=Voicemail when I run fs_cli -x 'luarun app/voicemail/resources/scripts/mwi.lua' I get this: freeswitch@pbx.gran.com>...
  13. D

    Change default voicemail intro Globally

    I want to change the default voicemail greeting globally for all domains. Currently the default intro is something like ......"the person at extension 1000 is not available, record your message after the tone, ..... Is there a simple way to replace this default message with another wave fiel...
  14. T

    Can't get voicemail to email working

    I converted our PBX from FreePBX to FusionPBX the other day and I'm down to one last issue... can't get voicemails to go to email. -I'm using SendGrid, I've added the correct SMTP settings into the defaults -If I go to the Email Log, I don't see any entries. -If I click Test from the Email Log...
  15. ewdpb

    Using voicemail app via LUA

    Hi all, According to freeswitch documentation, there should be a voicemail application. However when I try something like: <action application="voicemail" data="default multitenant_domain 1021" /> or session:execute('lua','app.lua voicemail'); freeswitch complains that there is no such an...
  16. G

    Leaving Voicemail from PSTN, No BEEP sound

    Hi Guys, When I leave a voicemail on a phone extension to extension I hear the greeting and then the beep to leave a message. However if I call from my mobile phone I hear the greeting but no beep, I can still leave a voicemail which is received successfully but I really need a beep to play or...
  17. C

    Voicemail Timeout Not Working Properly

    Hello, I'm having a bit of an odd issue where if an extension's timeout is set to, say, 10 seconds, an incoming call will ring ~20 seconds before going to voicemail. No matter what I change the timeout value to, it's always slightly longer than double that value before the call actually times...
  18. bryanredeagle

    Azure Voicemail Transcription

    I've gotten transcription working using the new Cognition API on Microsoft Azure. I plan on doing a proper pull request when I read through the contribution guidelines. In the meantime, I've attached the modified script (use the script editor to edit...
  19. J

    Voicemail Questions

    Hello everyone, I just had some questions with Fusions voicemail app. 1. I was wondering if it is possible to lock a voicemail inbox for a short time after a certain amount of incorrect password attempts? I know that if you try a wrong password 3 times it will hangup, but we are wanting to lock...
  20. shadikur

    FusionPBX Voicemail Transcript

    Hello, I am having issue implementing voicemail transcription on my FusionPBX. I have configured all the API and other variables on the default settings properly. Besides, enabled voicemail transcript for the specific extension's message option. I am getting some error on CLI 2019-04-07...