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  1. C

    Ring Group Custom Ringback

    I would love to share the file, but I know the client paid for this audio, and not sure if I've got the rights to share it publicly... The thing is, even if I try the available ring backs, like au-ring, be-ring, bong-ring, I get the same results. It will only play the custom ring back when...
  2. C

    Ring Group Custom Ringback

    Hi, Thanks for the feedback. I've seen fs_cli complain about files when they're not the correct format, but for this file(16bit 8000hz.wav), whether i dial the ring group from an extensions, or I dial from outside and hit the ring group, the feedback from fs_cli is the same as below. Only...
  3. C

    Ring Group Custom Ringback

    Hi. Did exactly the same, even tried the provided ring backs, au-ring, be-ring.... It works when phoning from extension to ring group, but not when phoning from outside. Don't see any errors on fs_cli.
  4. C

    Ring Group Custom Ringback

    Hi All. I've got a problem where setting a custom ringback for incoming calls doesn't work. I setup a ring group, with extensions, and set the custom ringback file(WAV 16bit 8000Hz mono). If I dial the ring group from an extension, the custom ringback works as expected. If i dial in from...
  5. C

    Speed Dials Only Route

    Hi Adrian, Thank you for the solution provided, it works like a charm. I've got a clearer picture now on how the dialplan & toll_allow operates. Thank you!
  6. C

    Speed Dials Only Route

    Hi All, I've been battling on how to setup a Speed Dial only outbound route. I've got an extension that must be allowed to only phone Speed dials, setup under contacts, and other extension. I changed the default *0[ext] function to 813[ext] to accommodate speed dial function from the previous...
  7. C

    WAN Drops, Keepalive

    Hi Adrian, Thanks for the info provided. I'll definitely look at getting to know the underlaying Freeswitch better. At the moment I'm just trying to familiarize myself with how everything works, or should work. Thanks again for your help, and for pointing me in the right direction. Cheers!
  8. C

    WAN Drops, Keepalive

    Hi Adrian, Thank you for your input. I previously connected my clients to an Asterisk system, using basically just username, password, server, and everything worked out of the box. I'm finding with Fusionpbx, there's a lot of tweaking that needs to be done on the phone side, ex. Keepalive...
  9. C

    WAN Drops, Keepalive

    Hi All, I'm sitting with an issue where the ISP drops the WAN connection on router for a split second, and then reconnects again. They do this once a day. When this happens, the client's external IP stays the same. After this happens, the phones drop connection to fusionpbx, and don't come...
  10. C

    Incoming Call no audio/echo

    Hi All, I'm still having issues with the above scenario. Any takers??
  11. C

    Incoming Call no audio/echo

    Hi All, I've got a weird scenario. I've got two clients that complained about this. Every now and then, maybe twice a day, they complain that they answered the phone, and they couldn't hear the caller, and that they could only here themselves. I've attached two pcaps. The 1st one(failed) is...
  12. C

    G729 Codec Help

    Ok, ok, I'm with you. Thanks again for your help!
  13. C

    G729 Codec Help

    I ended up redoing the work of getting mod_bcg729 loaded etc.. I think my main problem wat that status profile internal, didn't show G729 anywhere, but it showed under variables page that it was added. The above now shows G729 included, and the default mod_g729 is disabled/and not running. I...
  14. C

    G729 Codec Help

    Hi All, I can't get G729 codec to work. It seems like my G729 entry in "global_codec_prefs" and "outbound_codec_prefs" are being ignored. fs_cli -x "show codecs" b | grep g729 gives codec,G.729,mod_bcg729. When I make a call I get: When I do sofia status profile internal, I get: Under...
  15. C

    Move freeswitch from sqlite to postgresql

    Thank you for the additional feedback! Your final sentence scares me Sorry, last question. would this be normal behavior now?
  16. C

    Move freeswitch from sqlite to postgresql

    Hi Adrian. Thank you so much for your help! I was going around it the wrong way. I think everything is now sorted, still busy checking. I found only one database that I think sqlite is still handling under /var/lib/freeswitch/db/callcenter.db. The only reason I wanted to use postgresql, was...
  17. C

    Move freeswitch from sqlite to postgresql

    Hi Adrian, Thanks for your input. I changed the freeswitch.service file as above, but getting same results. Where do we need to specify, to tell freeswitch to use postgres? is it only in /etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml, like this: <param name="core-db-dsn"...
  18. C

    Move freeswitch from sqlite to postgresql

    Hi All, Does anybody have a guide on moving freeswitch from sqlite to postgresql? I've tried everything, but don't seem to get this working 100%. At the moment I've got set in: /etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml <param name="core-db-dsn" value="pgsql://hostaddr=
  19. C

    Recording Lenny

    Hi. I currently don't have any advanced plans for identifying spam. At the moment I have a couple of DID's thats setup manually to go to the lenny script.
  20. C

    Recording Lenny

    Hi all, I got it to work with mod_dptools record_session. It unfortunately doesn't show up under call detail records, or call recordings, but the .wav file is there. Thanks for the help!