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  1. V

    Error Hangup Cause - NO_ROUTE_DESTINATION

    Post some logs and configs. We can’t just magically tell you how to fix it…
  2. V

    Shared Voicemail

    So, for the record: the reason that this wasn't working for us was because of two things: 1: [scripts_dir]/run/ did not exist. As such, many of the startup scripts were actually failing to run. I know that some scripts actually create this if it doesn't exist. I'm assuming that whichever script...
  3. V

    Shared Voicemail

    So, in general... this is all working for me (on a Yealink T53W), EXCEPT that after a reboot or re-register, no BLFs that I believe to be provided by BLF_Subscribe.lua are available. They come up as 'blank' (not lit). This applies to BLFs for both 'voicemail+[ext]' and 'flow+[ext]'. In either...
  4. V

    Variable not populating - Yealink Provisioning

    If variables don't expand out of the default settings, it's frustrating that the 'factory' setting for the yealink provisioning URL has a variable in it... Your comment inspired me to also just try: static.auto_provision.server.url = https://{$domain_name}/app/provision/ In y000000000095.cfg...
  5. V

    What [should?] be global dial plan items are only on the 'IP'?

    OK, thought I'd come and report: while messing around with SMS this evening, I realized that these default dialplan entries had shown up. The only thing that had changed was that I had at one point run various tasks under 'Upgrade'. I put another domain in, and it was lacking the default dial...
  6. V

    What [should?] be global dial plan items are only on the 'IP'?

    Oh, I understand what you were saying. That does not seem to be happening. I double checked it just now by creating a new domain. After switching to that domain and going to dial plan manger, the ONLY things listed in the dial plan are the global entries. Any thoughts on why that might [not]...
  7. V

    What [should?] be global dial plan items are only on the 'IP'?

    OK, so basically: best practices would be to for each domain create dial plan entries for the 'stuff' that we would want? Guess I'm just surprised that a new domain doesn't 'come with' the sorts of defaults that the original domain gets.
  8. V

    What [should?] be global dial plan items are only on the 'IP'?

    I'm assuming that perhaps I don't fully understand something, or perhaps I did something wrong during installation, but critical dial plan items such as *98,*97 (voicemail access) and 'park+*5901' (parking) are seemingly only created in the context of the IP of the server. As such, I get no...
  9. V

    Variable not populating - Yealink Provisioning

    So, from what I can tell, yealink provisioning template (y000000000095.cfg) features the following: static.auto_provision.server.url = {$yealink_provision_url} ...that variable is populated as such by default: https://{$domain_name}/app/provision/ What I am experiencing is that once I give the...