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  1. D

    Call park oddities

    So it looks like I got this to work today by adding feature.presence.enabled="1" to my polycom provisioning template. I also changed the BLF(automata) to: park+*590x (where x is the corresponding number for the park slot) for each of the buttons. Valet parking does not work. It just parks the...
  2. D

    Updating BLF Label when extension CallerID name changes

    Yeah, I was able to get it to update all the device key labels when you change a person's effective caller ID through the php on the extension's page, but that only works when you've already got that extension assigned as a key on a device. I'm not very good at php and gave up trying to get it...
  3. D

    Updating BLF Label when extension CallerID name changes

    I accomplished this by adding a cron job to run the following SQL update every minute:
  4. D

    how do you copy line keys to another phone?

    @Len Any idea how to stop the profile from creating a BLF for it's own extension. For example, if I have a profile for "Sales" to create BLF's for all sales extensions 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004 and I apply that template to the device for extension 1001 then on that device it shows it's line of...
  5. D

    Requiring a PIN number for outbound calls

    Seems the wiki is incorrect. To use the "PIN Numbers" app to set multiple PINs then you must set the action pin_number=database.
  6. D

    Polycom VVX Provisioning Help

    @DigitalDaz Yes, there are some older style templates there... They seem to be quite dated and do not follow Polycom's current config recommendations.
  7. D

    Polycom VVX Provisioning Help

    I have seen people and the wiki reference Files/polycom/vvx as the place for the VVX templates in the provisioning editor, but that folder does not exist on my install. I figured instead of going through and trying to piece together config files for the VVX models I'd ask and see if anyone has...
  8. D

    Updating BLF Label when extension CallerID name changes

    How do you get the BLF labels to update when you change the name of the CallerID on the extension?
  9. D

    Polycom phone Directory population

    To stop them showing up as speed dials go into Advanced>Provision Editor and edit the {$mac}-directory.xml file for that template. Remove the line that has <sd>{$x}</sd>. That's what is setting it as a speed dial. I also removed the "Ring Tone" line too <rt>7</rt> b/c I don't want to force...