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  1. V

    Voicemails are not getting emailed

    same problem here: [database] can not bind parameter: undefined parameter: email_from FusionPBX 5.0.6
  2. V

    Voicemail to EMAIL error

    Solved first problem but now: 2022-12-10 18:09:28.685207 96.40% [ERR] switch_cpp.cpp:1465 [database] can not bind parameter: undefined parameter: email_from Where I have to configure email_from? I don't find any parameter in the Default Settings Menu
  3. V

    Voicemail to EMAIL error

    Test Message Works!
  4. V

    Multilple registrations

    Solved, I don't seen the option in the extension configuration. Sorry.
  5. V

    Voicemail to EMAIL error

    When the system try to send a notification email about a voicemail, in the FreeSWITCH LOG I see: [ERR] mod_lua.cpp:202 /usr/share/freeswitch/scripts/app/failure_handler/index.lua:86: attempt to index global subject (a nil value) this line is: subject = subject:gsub("${caller_id_name}"...
  6. V

    Multilple registrations

    My configuration is: multiple-registrations true True and max-registrations-per-extension...
  7. V

    I'd like receive ALL messages to my email

    because I like mailing list schema. More easy to manage y to participate.
  8. V

    I'd like receive ALL messages to my email

    Hello list, I'd like to receive one email for each post in the forum. How have I to configure my account preferences? Thank you Regards
  9. V

    Default number of Registrations permited

    Sorry for the noise.... the parameter works fine.
  10. V

    Default number of Registrations permited

    Hello, mi first post. I'm trying to understand how many registrations accept FusionPBX for each Extension. On my tests the number is 3 and I can't grow this number using max-registrations-per-extension on sip profile internal. Where can I change this number or limit to 1 this number? Regards