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  1. S

    Shared Voicemail

    Could you configure a key as BLF with a value of *98[ext] ? That's how we do it under FreePBX currently.
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    How to Upload Voicemail Greetings?

    SFTP or SCP will do the job. I don't think there is a way to do it through the GUI.
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    Record call with *2 not working

    Hello, I am testing call recording. I saw that on-demand feature code is *2 (which is apparently a toggle). I went into the settings for the extension I am testing with and set "Record" to "All". I then made a test call and while the call was active, pressed *2. I then spoke for about 30...
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    SOLVED Cluster issue: Inbound calls to wrong server

    Hello, I am playing around a bit with my two-node cluster and have actually started noticing that my inbound calls are coming in on my secondary PBX. If I reboot or disconnect the networking from the secondary PBX, then incoming calls go to my primary, but within a few minutes inbound calls...
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    [Tutorial] Creating a two node FusionPBX cluster the easy way.

    Just to update, I have had a chance to play around with this a bit. I setup a 2-node cluster and installed the 4.2 branch. After setting things up more or less how we have them on our current system and making sure all was working as expected, I ran through the steps of upgrading from 4.2 to...
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    Call Park announcing slot on other party's phone

    OK, so it seems this is a bug that has existed for while. As suggested in another post on this forum if I do an attended transfer to *5900, I hear the slot number, then when I hang up the call (completing the transfer) it works -- although the party being parked still gets the slot number...
  7. S

    SOLVED Agent status & BLF

    Would I add that to the Dialplan manager, or would that be a setting elsewhere (Default Settings?)
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    [Tutorial] Creating a two node FusionPBX cluster the easy way.

    OK, so FusionPBX 4.4 *will* run on PgSQL 9.4, then, which is good to know (meaning the PgSQL 10 that was on my test box was likely due to that version just being the latest and greatest available to Debian at the time). In that case, I am probably going to run the script on my two test systems...
  9. S

    documentation...just a topic heading?

    I would agree with this. As with many others, my primary experience is with FreePBX/Asterisk and I have found a lot of that knowledge to be quite transferrable. In my fairly short time testing things, there is actually a *lot* I like about FusionPBX over FreePBX (the true multi-tenant feature...
  10. S

    DNS-SVR query

    Hello, This is for those folks who are using DNS-SVR for their failover method, though my question isn't directly related to failover :) What hostname do you typically give your clients to connect to for logging in to the web portal? Do you just create a generic/common host name specifically...
  11. S

    Where is the freeswitch in fusionpbx installed by default?

    There is a "freetdm.conf" file in '/etc/freeswitch' on my FusionPBX install. There is an entry in there for a Sangoma E1 card as well. Is there in fact an actual module that needs to be built for the card to work? I would suspect the 'freetdm.conf' file wouldn't exist unless FreeSwitch was...
  12. S

    [Tutorial] Creating a two node FusionPBX cluster the easy way.

    I suspect it is not. I took a peek at the BDR project (which does the PgSQL master-master replication) and BDR v1.0 currently only runs on PgSQL 9.4. The roadmap mentions BDR v2.0 which runs on PgSQL 9.6, and the future seems to be BDR v3.0 which should support PgSQL v10+, but I cannot (yet)...
  13. S

    [Tutorial] Creating a two node FusionPBX cluster the easy way.

    Does this appear to be primarily due to 4.4 using PGSQL v10, or doe sit appear to be something in 4.4 actually breaks the clustering? (I saw you mention something about possibly something in 'callcenter' breaking the clustering)
  14. S

    SOLVED Inboud routing not working correctly

    Hi, I am a bit of a noob with FusionPBX myself, though I have some experience with Asterisk systems (so not a *total* noob with SIP PBX systems, or rather Asterisk/FreePBX specifically). Hopefully i might be able to help you, or at least give you an "a-ha!" moment? :-) Is the sngrep...
  15. S


    Hrm, I found a couple references in 'app/devices/app_config.php' and a bunch in the Yealink provisioning files. Nothing that indicates enabling it in the menus or anything like that. I suspect this feature is vendor/model-dependant, and/or you have to install the app into the Apps directory...
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    Yeah, that's pretty much the same answer I got when I contacted Support to see if I could purchase an hour of support to be shown how to enable the feature (and basic usage). $1,000USD is pretty steep at this juncture, and I have been able to figure out quite a lot of it already (experience...
  17. S


    I have been looking for this for a little while. I downloaded the fusionpbx source from git and grepped through it for strings like: hotdesk hot-desk hot_desk desk The 'hot_desk' search yielded the most interesting: it appears in 'app/devices/app_config.php' and...
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    Call Park announcing slot on other party's phone

    Hello, I am testing Call Park and in "Dial Plan > Dial Plan Manager", I disabled "valet_park" and enabled "valet_park_in" and "valet_park_out". When I park a call, the call goes to the next available slot, however the slot number is not announced on the phone of the Parker but that of the...
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    Aastra phones provisioning: addition CFGs and firmware updates

    Ah, well the file *does* exist; I just thought Nginx adopted its use also (I am not familiar with the ins and outs of Nginx) Would you happen to know where the provisioning URLs are configured in Nginx?
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    Operator Panel - Transfer by name

    OK, never mind, I figured out question 1. For others who may wonder the same thing: in the extension, I put the name in the "Effective Caller ID Name" (I previously had put just the extension number as I had seen someone do that in a "quick start" guide I followed) If you could let me know...