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  1. M


    You might want to review your destinations to determine why you aren't answering the number that your trunk provider is routing to you. If it's an unallocated number, you might want to answer the call and simply play your own announcement for the unallocated number. You might want to check...
  2. M

    407 Proxy Authentication Required

    Hi, Alex. Your screenshot doesn't show the entire dialog between the FreeSWITCH server and your client device. Nonetheless, it sounds like you are describing two different things. The Proxy Authentication response by FreeSwitch is normal. That's done to ensure that others cannot send INVITE...
  3. M

    How to decrypt the filename of the Call Recording

    When you set the recording options for an extension in FusionPBX, it employs the user_record dial plan. You can set the filename there using the following string, "${caller_id_number}.${strftime(%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)}.wav", for example. The variable name might be "record_name" or...
  4. M

    How to rebuild xml_cdr.conf.xml

    Don't take my word for it then. Take a look at the code in /app/xml_cdr/v_xml_cdr_import.php.
  5. M

    How to edit provisioning templates in a safe way?

    If you are just customizing provisioning files for your own use, just make a new folder with a new name using the same path as the provisioning file you want to use as a template. cd _yourfusionpbxpath_/resources/templates/provision cp -rp yealink/t58v yealink/t58v-custom. Log back into...
  6. M

    How to rebuild xml_cdr.conf.xml

    Your best bet is to back up everything in the FreeSWITCH directory, the FusionPBX directory, and the /etc/fusionpbx directory. This is the easiest way to recover from accidents. However, creating it from scratch requires understanding how FusionPBX saves call detail records. The URL...
  7. M

    FusionPBX voicemail messages being cut off

    I'm sorry that didn't help. Rollback the changes. Are you on a bare metal server? If not, who are you using for VM service?
  8. M

    FusionPBX voicemail messages being cut off

    That looks good. Please keep in mind that there are about 4 or 5 lines that have result = recordFile(. You'll want to include the delay on each of those to cover the various configuration options provided by FusionPBX.
  9. M

    FusionPBX voicemail messages being cut off

    If you are comfortable making changes to your LUA script I would make the following change to test and see what the result is. The following assumes you are on Linux. Try at your own risk. Not production-ready. cp -p {base path}/scripts/app/voicemail/resources/functions/record_message.lua...
  10. M

    FusionPBX voicemail messages being cut off

    Do you lose exactly 3 seconds on every voicemail? Instead of hanging up, try pressing a button to review your voicemail and see if you hear the whole thing back. Then save it and see if you are losing the last 3 seconds again.
  11. M

    FusionPBX voicemail messages being cut off

    Is the file cut off when listening to it from the file system or are you sending it via email and listening to it from the email attachment?
  12. M

    FusionPBX voicemail messages being cut off

    Switching from a NAS/S3 type object storage to a local block device solved my issue with voicemails being cutoff.
  13. M

    Changes to external profile requiring Access Control

    By dynamic, I mean a network with a non-static public IP address and/or range. By fixed, I mean a network with a static public IP address and/or range. It's not so much that ACL's help with dynamic networks as much as it helps reduce the computational cost of authentication coming from a high...
  14. M

    Changes to external profile requiring Access Control

    The FusionPBX ACL is set up by default to deny anonymous traffic through the switch on the external SIP profile. If the inbound network isn't on the ALLOWED list, the system falls back to digest authentication. The benefit of using the ACL is that you save the digest authentication costs on...
  15. M

    Changes to external profile requiring Access Control

    Dealing with an IP Softswitch can be incredibly complicated- interoperability, NAT, fault tolerance, performance, security, etc. I also wish it were easier and more intuitive. However, what is intuitive or obvious for you within the scope of your implementation would likely be folly for me and...
  16. M

    Changes to external profile requiring Access Control

    I've been using FusionPBX since 4.2 and it required the use of the Access Control List on the external profile by default even back then. I highly recommend keeping and using the security measures that are turned on by default in FusionPBX. The FusionPBX defaults are there to keep unauthorized...
  17. M


    FusionPBX has it's own ACLs. The log entry, 2019-06-14 20:21:10.147973 [WARNING] sofia.c:10037 IP Rejected by acl "domains" shows that the IP address delivering the inbound call is being rejected. In FusionPBX, go to Advanced/Access Control. Then select the "domains". Add a...
  18. M

    FusionPBX voicemail messages being cut off

    I had my voicemail messages saving to object storage. Switching back to local storage seems to solve the issue for me but I'm still observing the situation before I consider this a win. What is your environment like?
  19. M

    FusionPbx top performance setting

    There is always a balance between features and performance. The more features you want to provide, the lower your CPS (assuming this is your benchmark) will likely go. For example, encryption (SIPS & SRTP) has a big performance cost. However, you trade security for performance if you turn off...
  20. M

    FusionPBX voicemail messages being cut off

    Are you saving to local block storage or network storage (block or object)?