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  1. J

    Working SMS Integration

    Hmm, good question. I didn't write that portion of the code, but looking at it, apparently the author didn't envision that and didn't build in support for it. If you want to look at it, open /apps/sms/index.lua and search for v_default_settings. Looks like those domain-level settings are...
  2. J

    change voicemail greeting for different dialplans

    I know this is very late, but this question intrigued me. It turns out that, yes, you can do this. Assuming you already have multiple greetings set up and that you are using an IVR Menu for routing the call at this stage: If the caller dials the extension directly, it will use the default...
  3. J

    Working SMS Integration

    The data table error you quoted may be a bit of a red herring, though once @yukon gets this all updated, I think the point will be moot. The original error I was addressing turned out to be not fixed by that app_config.php file change, but rather an issue on the poster's system related to BDR...
  4. J

    Re-import repository keys for BDR and pglogical apt repositories failure

    I ran into the same problem. It looks like they haven't renewed their keys. In order to get my install scripts to work, I had to change my repository line to: echo 'deb [allow-insecure=yes allow-downgrade-to-insecure=yes] stretch-2ndquadrant main' >>...
  5. J

    Working SMS Integration

    Here's a follow-up: We've now rolled out upgrades on our servers to Freeswitch 1.8. While we are not seeing the crash/freeze in the Freeswitch process as mentioned previously, we are still seeing the duplicated messages (120+) when the message is sent to an invalid or unregistered extension...
  6. J

    Working SMS Integration

    Just an idea: You could go into Adminer and copy/paste that CREATE TABLE command out of the Upgrade page and execute it there to see what kind of error it gives you. And if it doesn't error and just works, well then, at least you have the table created.
  7. J

    Working SMS Integration

    It definitely needs to be "v_sms_messages" and "v_sms_destinations". And this is consistent with the naming convention used throughout FusionPBX. As to PHP version, I did have problems (unrelated to this) when I tried 7.2 . I reinstalled with 7.1 and it worked much better.
  8. J

    Working SMS Integration

    And if so, did it change the output any?
  9. J

    Working SMS Integration

    No, I don't believe so. All of the Fusion tables have similar naming convention. The issue seems to be a difference in the upgrade engine and some changes that were made in 4.4. I've incorporated those in the copy I attached today. Did you try this new version?
  10. J

    Working SMS Integration

    It looks like something is wrong in the \sms\app_config.php file. It's looking for two tables named "v", not finding them, and trying to create them. Instead, it should be looking for "v_sms_messages" and "v_sms_destinations". There may be updates to the 4.4 schema upgrade engine. I've...
  11. J

    Working SMS Integration

    When you run Advanced->Upgrade->Schema, are you getting the message that the two "v_sms_*" tables don't exist, that @FuncVOIP was getting? And then at the top, is it trying to create them?
  12. J

    Working SMS Integration

    In the very first post on this thread, look at the section where I talked about adding support for Telnyx ("How to make SMS work with Telnyx"). This is a model for how to add a new carrier. Now, obviously the specifics will vary somewhat, carrier to carrier, so you will need to look at what...
  13. J

    Working SMS Integration

    I'll just put this out there for those of you attempting to use this module: I alluded to an issue in the original post, where on some softphone clients it would duplicate the message 120+ times. It will then usually crash/freeze the freeswitch process. It turns out, this was not a problem...
  14. J

    Working SMS Integration

    Yes, something is definitely wrong there, and you won't see any info without those tables. FYI, I just realized that the version of app_config.php I posted above, while correct otherwise and fine for your use in regards to table schema, doesn't contain the additional settings for carrier...
  15. J

    Working SMS Integration

    One note: You may need to adjust your chatplan settings. This is usually located in /etc/freeswitch/chatplan/default.xml. Here's what I use. Note that I am only allowing it to send through to the external lua script (thus SMS delivery) when it's a 10-digit phone number. Anything else just...
  16. J

    Working SMS Integration

    Quite possibly. Grab the app_config.php file from my message in #36, above, and put it in /apps/sms, then run Advanced->Upgrade->Schema. You may also want to go ahead and put in the changes for sms_hook_common.php. I mentioned them in December, but I'll attach them here. This file goes in the...
  17. J

    Working SMS Integration

    I haven't set up/used it with thinQ, but then, it's tough to test with a carrier if you do not have an account with them. In my install, I have it in default settings and it shows in the drop-down as an option. If you do not have it, then something is wrong with your...
  18. J

    Working SMS Integration

    No, you shouldn't need to update index.lua. However, back in December, I posted a comment indicating what needed to be changed in sms.php for the destinations to show up. See attached. This should work. However, you may also need to change some things in the sms_edit.php file, if you want...
  19. J

    No need to replicate Freeswitch?

    @DigitalDaz Very sorry to resurrect an old thread, but to your original statement: In a two-node HA/Failover (not load balancing) cluster without Kamailio, would there be any reason at all to replicate the freeswitch db? Or even a reason to be writing it to an external db in the first place...
  20. J

    Working SMS Integration

    I finally have a test system on master branch (4.5.3 on FS 1.8.4), and it is working with the above /freeswitch/scripts/app/sms/index.lua. @MTR, you might try it again, at your convenience and let me know what issues you are still seeing.