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  1. whut

    Snom Directory

    I have successfully added to the snom directory by following those contacts application steps. By reviewing the "tbook" specs and by reviewing the snom provisioning templates I can see there is room for small improvements...
  2. whut

    Snom Directory

    @krooney the snom templates will populate the directory from 1) the list of extensions, and 2) the contacts application. Contacts must be managed carefully for them to populate directories for any phone makes and models. I suspect most people will ignore the contacts application because it is...
  3. whut

    Simplified CDR page

    Start by removing xml_cdr_.... permissions from your client-level permissions and the related search permissions. ex: xml_cdr_tta & xml_cdr_search_tta
  4. whut

    Large button SIP phone recommendation

    Flyingvoice has the FIP12WP "Customized Big Button IP Phone for Seniors" Fusion has a template for this model. The flyingvoice templates are slight tweaks of the yealink templates. I haven't tried any flyingvoice devices yet.
  5. whut

    variables length

    Correct. Values in default settings are not limited to 255 characters. type=text would be advisable. You could make your own category or use the conferences or theme category. Perhaps theme would be best as it looks like what you are trying to do could be considered...
  6. whut

    variables length

    Saving the edit of vars limits to 255 characters. You would need to increase the maximum size in /var/www/fusionpbx/app/vars/var_edit.php from 255 to more than 355 to accommodate the length of your variable. from: echo " <input class='formfld' type='text' name='var_value' maxlength='255'...
  7. whut

    fail2ban questions

    See for the current default debian jail settings.
  8. whut

    fail2ban questions

    Fail2ban reads log files and then determines based upon your configuration to block attempts. Each jail is defined in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ as @ad5ou had displayed. At this point in learning I would just know they exists and then look elsewhere to better understand f2b. jail.conf is the...