Recent content by edschofield

  1. E

    BLF key for presence and DND status

    Hi. I think having 2 states is fine, just need to be able to distinguish if the extension is busy or not. regardless of weather it's on a call or on DND. FOP would work, but I think it's Asterisk only. But more looking for a solution that can take advantage of the BLF's. Like I said, I think it...
  2. E

    BLF key for presence and DND status

    Can anyone help with this?
  3. E

    BLF key for presence and DND status

    Hi. Does anyone know of a way that I can one button for an extension that you can use to monitor weather it's on a call or not, as well as weather it's on DND or now? I know I can have a regular BLF and a 2nd one set to dnd=<ExtNo>. But this means using 2 keys per extension and the BLD one can't...
  4. E

    SOLVED Distinctive Ring & Fanvil Provisioning

    You mist have been thinking along the lines of me. I've managed to get this working by escaping the characters and using the following in the config file. <Alert_Info_Ring_Entry> <ID>Alert1</ID> <Text>&#60;External&#62;</Text> <Ring_Type>1</Ring_Type> </Alert_Info_Ring_Entry> When logged onto...
  5. E

    SOLVED Distinctive Ring & Fanvil Provisioning

    Hi. I'm in the process of migrating us over to FusionPBX and run into a little hiccup regarding distinctive ring and the provisioning for our Fanvil handsets. We've configured Distinctive Ring on the inbound destination. This is then set in the config file for our phones. When making...