SOLVED Upgrade to 5.3.3 Master - Dashboard empty

Upgraded Source, Checked Schema, Menu Defaults and Permissions. After noticing issue, logged out and tried rebooting.

Dashboard is empty. Menus on toolbar work, and otherwise everything appears okay.

Hovering over areas where dash should be seems to have something there, clicking anywhere doesn't.

Had this on two installs today, maybe it's already been reported?

Git InformationBranch: master
Commit: 7cd6aec9df3d02b62ef531d90ea067342c87fdee
Status: Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. +0 days ago
Project Path/var/www/fusionpbx
Switch Version1.10.12 (64bit)
Switch Git Informationunknown
PHP Version7.4.33


Active Member
Staff member
Jul 22, 2018
You need to run an upgrade schema if the data structure is different from what you have the result may fail because the field requested in the select doesn't exist yet.

5.3 has now been released with its own branch.
This in the upgrade section? Or is there something more manual I should be trying?

Checked Schema and Data Types via the upgrade GUI, all fields show 'true'.

Results - Schema
Database Type: pgsql

Still persists the issue, is there any particular field I should be looking at?

Both installs are on Debian.

Even the Copyright line is not there, though highlighting with the mouse makes it visible.
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Active Member
Staff member
Jul 22, 2018
I dropped my tables like this to test it.
su postgres
psql fusionpbx
drop table v_drop table v_dashboards;
drop table v_dashboard_groups;

Then ran this command.

php /var/www/fusionpbx/core/upgrade/upgrade.php

After this refresh the dashboard and it's all there again with all the details


Active Member
Staff member
Jul 22, 2018
Go to there you will find our support number. If you are available to call it shortly after I post this reply I have some time right now to help over the anydesk or chrome remote desktop. Its much easier to help when I can see exactly what is going on and can ask questions and look at the system.
Thanks Mark, I'm over here in the UK so was in dreamland when you sent the reply.

My system didn't seem to have postgres client installed, and after installing I wasn't sure which user I should be running it as!

However 'php /var/www/fusionpbx/core/upgrade/upgrade.php' has gotten the dash back up and working. It's likely that the 'App Defaults' was the fix.


Does this default all apps as part of the upgrade, I may have had some custom stuff running - wanted to post that it's fixed before I even check on this. Any other info on precisely what App Defaults does?

Edit: This has also fixed a long standing issue I had which was the 'Call Recordings' tab showing empty (I've seen this posted elsewhere). This may have been as I had altered the recordpath filename in the dialplan. Either way, all looks good!

Thanks Again!
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Active Member
Staff member
Jul 22, 2018
App Defaults does not default everything it looks for missing defaults and adds those. This is done to protect people who are customizing things. But this makes the upgrade more work because you may have to adjust things. For example in the dashboard, default settings, or the dialplan.