TTS Issue

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New Member
Sep 7, 2017
Hopefully someone can help me out. The posts I'm finding online about this issue apply to freeswitch, and from a newbies perspective, don't apply to fusionpbx (I guess because all the config files are now in a database).

The issue i'm trying to over come is that i'm trying to use "say:" with the IVR. I've used yum to install everything relating to flite and I have restarted. Yet I still see this error in the logs:

2017-09-06 23:17:16.086242 [ERR] switch_core_speech.c:62 Invalid speech module [flite]!
2017-09-06 23:17:16.086242 [ERR] switch_ivr_play_say.c:3008 Invalid TTS module!

How can I get flite working?

Also, since i'm asking, once I get this figured out I would like to change the log level to something other than debug. Where would I do that? I feel like that is probably somewhere obvious and i'm just overlooking it.


New Member
Sep 7, 2017
Under Advanced -> Modules -> Say -> English is Enabled and running. Under Advanced -> Modules -> Speech recognition/text to speech Flite is enabled but not started and won't start. I'm guessing thats the issue.

Since I had to move on with this, I ended up using an OSX voice that was similar to the voice on FusionPBX and just recording what I wanted to say and uploading it to Fusion. I would still like to know what needs to be done to get TTS working.

Also, if anyones interested, the syslog logging level is buried in Advanced -> XML Editor -> autoload_configs -> logfile.conf.xml
Find the line that says "<map name="all" value="debug,info,notice,warning,err,crit,alert"/>".

Remove what you don't want from that line. In my case, I removed debug so the line says "<map name="all" value="info,notice,warning,err,crit,alert"/>"
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