Trouble Passing IVR Selection to Ring Group and SIPjs Application


New Member
Feb 11, 2024
Hello FusionPBX community,

I'm working on a setup where I need to pass the user's IVR selection through a ring group and ultimately to a SIPjs application.
How can I do that, which file do i need to update?

On my research I found that we can pass headers to sipjs call invite using action export and data=si_h_X-anyname=${varaiable_name}.
This works but i need the ivr menu id and the ivr digit that user pressed to forward the call to the sipjs using ring_group

Adrian Fretwell

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2017
You can edit the dialplan XML for the IVR and set a custom SIP header for the IVR UUID like this:

Screenshot from 2024-08-29 18-39-04.png

Then you can set a custom header for any or all digits in the menu itself like this, note option2 is repeated with an incremented order number:

Screenshot from 2024-08-29 18-34-06.png
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Reactions: mdriaz


New Member
Feb 11, 2024
You can edit the dialplan XML for the IVR and set a custom SIP header for the IVR UUID like this:

View attachment 4299

Then you can set a custom header for any or all digits in the menu itself like this, note option2 is repeated with an incremented order number:

View attachment 4300
Hi, thanks for the reply, I am using fusionpbx 5.0.1

First of all, I didn't able to set menu-exec-app:set sip_h_Xivrdigit=2 in IVR Options, when i save it, it becomes empty option. So i changed the menu option value as seen from your screenshot. Flushed cache, reloaded xml from status page.

It worked. Thank you.

But need to find a way do it globally, as we are developing softphone using sipjs and we want to enhance customer support by showing additional information like ivr option selection.