Transfer a call and then call back the transferring extension if destination no answer

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New Member
Sep 24, 2024
Hello everyone,
I tryed to find the solution around the internet but I didn't find anything exhaustive.
The scenario is the following:
Extension A handle an external call, Extension A blind transfer the call to Extension B, Extension B does not answer after timeout (or because it's busy), than need the external call to go back to Extension A.

For customer needs I can't use call parking, and I can't even set up follow me, they don't want the call to go back to the queue but they want it to the single extension that handled the original call.

There is a way to do this in FusionPBX?


Active Member
Jan 19, 2021
If there is, I'd like to know that as well. Maybe with some custom LUA script; however, I don't think it's available right out of the box. I'm pretty sure blind transfers are blind for a reason. The original caller loses the call.

If you want to be really creative, you can try transferring to a ring group that will have two destinations: the extension you are transferring to and yourself after the delay. This will create an illusion that if the first destination isn't answering, it will go back to you.


Active Member
Dec 23, 2022
Blind transfer gets you quickly out of the call and you no longer have any control of the call. To accomplish this 'call back' function I would make a dialplan that uses a timeout and call back to the 'referred by' as the call park / valet park is doing. Your call timeout would need to be less than the extension timeout so the call does not get sent to the extension's voicemail. You would also need to build handling for if user_busy. Then I think it will work but it will not be very elegant or simple in my opinion.

Have you tried attended transfer? Start with the simple and existing functionality!


Active Member
Dec 23, 2022
You would also have a dialplan for each extension that you would ever use this transfer method on. yuck


New Member
Sep 24, 2024
I've tried to propose the attended transfer as a solution but the customer rejected it.
They had this function on the PBX they had previously so they want it as it was...
Honestly I'm quite new in FusionPBX and I have no experience at all with dialplan, I don't know if you can suggest me some documents where I can understand better how to make dialplan, or maybe you can make me an example of a rule that can do what you where suggesting.
Forgive me if I'm asking too much, believe me, I've been looking for the solution for a very long time.


Active Member
Jan 19, 2021
If you're new to FreeSWITCH, developing a script to achieve this functionality can be quite challenging and not something that can be provided as a quick solution. Writing and debugging such a script takes time and experience; it took me years to fully grasp how to work with dialplans and create custom scripts effectively.

A simpler alternative would be to use the ring groups that I mentioned in the previous message, which can be configured through the GUI.

However, this solution is only suitable for a small number of extensions, and I wouldn’t recommend it for larger clients. If your client has only 3-4 extensions, it might serve as a quick workaround, but for more complex setups, you may need to hire a FreeSWITCH expert to assist with the custom scripting.


New Member
Sep 24, 2024
Of course I understand that it needs a lot of experience, experience that I don't have at the moment, for this reason I was asking for some documents or some sheets where I can start to understand how to work with dialplan, because for now I don't know where to put my hands...

Again believe me, before having this issue, I've already tried to search about dialplan but didn't find nothing good, maybe I'm not searching well... I don't know, any suggestion is happily accepted.

Btw I've read the solution you where suggesting but unluckily my situation has much more extensions, thank you the same.

If some of you have got more ideas, I'm here for listen to them!
Thank you again.
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