Thanks much for replying me. My question is that how to connect ivr with database so ivr authenticate values from here. For example, there is a value like password in the database and during ivr we want that ivr ask us to enter your password and then ivr authenticate it from database and give us response that your entered password is correct or incorrect.
I want to build ivr which have that type scenarios.
It sounds like you are looking for more than the FusionPBX definition of an IVR. If I understand correctly you are wanting to build some sort of customer service application and as such would be beyond the scope of a simple answer in a forum thread.
There are many programming languages that interface with FreeSWITCH, one of the most common is LUA ( Many of the functions provided by FusionPBX are written in LUA including the current IVR menu application located at:
You can use LUA to query your database, there are plent of examples in the /usr/share/freeswitch/scripts directory.