Provising overwrites label length

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I suspect that this is a common issue, or at lest I hope so, which means their is likely an answer to this problem

Our customers like to have a long label length on their Yealink T 54 W display, ( this is true for most of our customers weather they have Grandsteam or Fanvil phones)

WE make a change in a profile, this is sually making a name change or adding a BLF key. When the phone is provisioned, the label length is set back to default (short)

Is their a solution ?

Thanks Community


Active Member
Dec 23, 2022
Are you using the variable created for the label length? yealink_dsskey_length
On a Yealink T54 W, when browsing to programming the "Line" keys, you are offered an option for lable length at the top of the page. When I choose a longer length, when the phone goes through a provision, the default label length is re-set to the default value, Short.

I have had this happen on Fanvil as well. Not sure on Grandstream.



Active Member
Dec 23, 2022
You will want to set the default setting variable to be your desired length. The longest/widest option is being overwritten when you provision or re-provision the phone. The Yealink variable name is in my previous response. For other manufactures you will need to investigate by finding setting/variable name, searching for the variable in the auto provisioning templates, which will in turn point you to the variable name within default settings. If the manufacture's model(s) you are working with have a setting for the length/width of the line key labels but there is no default setting yet, you can easily create the default setting variable name and modify the auto provisioning templates to include the variables you desire.
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