LAN fusionpbx installation and configuration help

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New Member
Jul 27, 2021
I've been wanting to install fusionpbx without any problems for a while now and I've been researching but I think I'm going to have a hard time without support. I have scanned the Installation thread in the forum but unfortunately I could not find the necessary information, I have information that I have obtained piece by piece but I could not put them together, so I ask for your help.

Fusionpbx installed on rasberry pi is ready for the necessary configuration at home. I am not a professional and I only want to call the house with softphone when I go out of the house and call between floors. my network configuration is as follows. I hope you can visualize this configuration.

draytek modem router (has fixed WAN ip, LAN subnets is 192.168.1.X also modem report its WAN ip to the ddns site and i can connect the modem with ddns domain.)
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|Clients (ip’s are 192.168.1.YY) Fusionpbx (ip:​

Considering that the required ports 5060-5091 and 16384-32768 are open from the modem, what should be my configuration roadmap so that I can call the house from outside and the subscribers in the house can call each other comfortably? Should fusionpbx domain be or wan ip or ddns domain …etc please provide guidance for the required configuration.
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