json cdr - hangs up

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New Member
Nov 9, 2018

Every 1-1.5 meis months json_cdr crashes. We have worked out a solution, that we go into Modules and click stop next to ‘json_cdr’ and then ‘start’ - and it starts working immediately. (If we don't restart then the cdr won't even fix itself for a few days).

How can we debug the problem?

Our config:
<configuration name="json_cdr.conf" description="JSON CDR">
    <!-- Global parameters -->
    <param name="log-b-leg" value="true"/>
    <param name="prefix-a-leg" value="true"/>

    <!-- Whether to URL encode the individual JSON values. Defaults to true, set to false for standard JSON. -->
    <!-- <param name="encode-values" value="true"/> -->

    <!-- Normally if url and log-dir are present, url is attempted first and log-dir second. This options allows to do both systematically. -->
    <!-- <param name="log-http-and-disk" value="false"/> -->

    <!-- File logging -->
    <!-- Directory where to create the "json_cdr" directory used to store JSON CDRs. Leave empty for no file logging. -->
    <!-- Might be overriden by a channel variable "json_cdr_base". -->
    <!-- <param name="log-dir" value="/var/log/freeswitch"/> -->
    <!-- Whether to rotate file CDRs. -->
    <!-- <param name="rotate" value="false"/> -->

    <!-- HTTP(S) logging -->
    <!-- URL where to POST JSON CDRs. Leave empty for no URL logging. Up to 20 URLs may be specified.  -->
    <param name="url" value="http://crm.folpol/cron/cdr_import"/>
    <!-- Authentication scheme for the above URL. May be one of basic|digest|NTLM|GSS-NEGOTIATE|any-->
    <!-- <param name="auth-scheme" value="basic"/> -->
    <!-- Credentials in the form  username:password  if auth-scheme is used. Leave empty for no authentication. -->
    <!-- <param name="cred" value="string"/> -->
    <!-- Whether to base64 encode the entire JSON document before POSTing it. -->
    <!-- <param name="encode" value="base64|true|false"/> -->
    <!-- Number of retries in case of failure. Each specified URL is tried in turn. -->
    <param name="retries" value="5"/>
    <!-- Delay between retries (ms). -->
    <param name="delay" value="5000"/>
    <!-- Disable streaming if the server doesn't support it. -->
    <param name="disable-100-continue" value="false"/>
    <!-- If web posting failed, the CDR is written to a file. -->
    <!-- Error log dir ("json_cdr" is appended). Up to 20 may be specified. Default to log-dir if none is specified. -->
    <!-- <param name="err-log-dir" value=""/> -->

    <!-- SSL options  -->
    <!-- <param name="ssl-key-path" value=""/> -->
    <!-- <param name="ssl-key-password" value=""/> -->
    <!-- SSL version. If specified, must be either "SSLv3" or "TLSv1". -->
    <!-- <param name="ssl-version" value=""/> -->
    <!-- <param name="enable-ssl-verifyhost" value="false"/> -->
    <!-- <param name="ssl-cert-path" value=""/> -->
    <!-- <param name="enable-cacert-check" value="false"/> -->
    <!-- <param name="ssl-cacert-file" value=""/> -->
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