For IVR, how do I amend the text to speech tts voice tts-voice that "say" uses in Greet Long? In other words, how do I configure Flite within FusionPBX, (or file system if no GUI) ?
Currently it uses a thick male voice presumably from open tts flite.
ress 0 for reception
The sparse documentation refers to say_gender, but with no specifics on how to configure it or separate the parameters from content...
<module_name>[:<lang>] <say_type> <say_method> [<say_gender>] <text>
Advanced.. Modules, Say specifies English - enabled and Flite - enabled.
This file specifies callie for cepstral, which is not what say uses.
Demo IVR specifies ivr_menus/demo_ivr.xml tts-voice="rms". Robot-Mean-Square? About what he sounds like!
Can anyone point to a substantive guide on this?
Currently it uses a thick male voice presumably from open tts flite.
The sparse documentation refers to say_gender, but with no specifics on how to configure it or separate the parameters from content...
<module_name>[:<lang>] <say_type> <say_method> [<say_gender>] <text>
Advanced.. Modules, Say specifies English - enabled and Flite - enabled.
This file specifies callie for cepstral, which is not what say uses.
languages/en/en.xml: <language name="en" say-module="en" sound-prefix="$${sounds_dir}/en/us/callie" tts-engine="cepstral" tts-voice="callie">
Demo IVR specifies ivr_menus/demo_ivr.xml tts-voice="rms". Robot-Mean-Square? About what he sounds like!
Can anyone point to a substantive guide on this?