It is all about help and collaboration

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Adrian Fretwell

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2017
When I created my own configuration utility ("GUI wrap") around FreeSWITCH, I decided that it would be helpful to the VoIP community in general if I openly shared my work. The result is DjangoPBX.

DjangoPBX is absolutely non-profit. It exists for two purposes:
1. To help share knowledge of VoIP and computer programming technologies.​
2. To assist VoIP providers like myself to run their VoIP services.​

We all stand on the shoulders of giants and we all benefit from other people's work. It is wrong to take the credit for someone else's work and DjangoPBX does not seek to do so.

There is an example copyright notice on the page footers; which is intended for use if the interface is exposed to the public internet in order to protect a business's website/logo etc., but its usage is entirely up to the individual. The image below shows the example copyright notice and the setting where it is changed to meet an individual's needs. I have just amended the repository to remove the words "copyright" from the example as a precaution just in case individuals decide not to change the default.



The "Admin" pages, like the one shown above, are the design of the admin contributors to the Django project ( and the "API" pages are all the work of the Django REST framework ( The portal pages are of my design, and quite frankly, I have to say that I am not very happy with them. I am not a web designer, it is not what I am good at, but thankfully, in the true spirit of help and collaboration, a GUI designer from California has offered to re-design them with a more modern style - watch this space...

DjangoPBX is completely free and open; use it, ignore it, love it, hate it. Do whatever you want with it, you will never get a complaint from me.

Kind regards,
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