I've tried to install FusionPBX onto a VM in my home lab (AMD processor, Proxmox virtualisation) a few times now and it's just not taking.
The install runs through, seemingly with no major error, and ends at the post installation screen providing username and password along with the instruction to reboot.
Post reboot the system the web interface runs but the dashboard is basically completely empty.
Postgres is running, PHP is running email queue and event guard, Freeswitch is running.
I've tried clean installs onto fresh OS installs 4 times with the same results using both Debian 11 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I have successfully installed FusionPBX in the past on Azure VMs and Vultr VMs so had no expectation that this would fail. Can anyone assist and is there somewhere I should be looking for evidence why this may be happening?

The install runs through, seemingly with no major error, and ends at the post installation screen providing username and password along with the instruction to reboot.
Post reboot the system the web interface runs but the dashboard is basically completely empty.
Postgres is running, PHP is running email queue and event guard, Freeswitch is running.
I've tried clean installs onto fresh OS installs 4 times with the same results using both Debian 11 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I have successfully installed FusionPBX in the past on Azure VMs and Vultr VMs so had no expectation that this would fail. Can anyone assist and is there somewhere I should be looking for evidence why this may be happening?