I have edited some coding of the php files in Zip attachment.
1. copy and replace app_config.php, and call_center_queue_edit.php to /var/www/fusionpbx/app/call_centers/
2. copy callcenter-announce-position.lua to /usr/share/freeswitch/scripts/
3. Advanced -> Upgrade -> App Defaults and then Menu Defaults and Permission Defaults.
4. Advanced -> Group Manager -> Superadmin -> Permissions -> Reload.
5. restart freeswitch system and logout and login fusionpbx that's it!! (Optional).
6. Set announce position to true to enable.
7. Set announce frequency to any number in seconds to play the announcement as you like.
8. Add this line into app_languages.php at /var/www/fusionpbx/app/call_centers/
$text['description-queue_announce_position']['en-us'] = "Announce position of caller in the queue.";
Note: Use either Announce Position nor Announce Sound, if use both the call center will play both sound and it will be messy and noisy sound.
1. copy and replace app_config.php, and call_center_queue_edit.php to /var/www/fusionpbx/app/call_centers/
2. copy callcenter-announce-position.lua to /usr/share/freeswitch/scripts/
3. Advanced -> Upgrade -> App Defaults and then Menu Defaults and Permission Defaults.
4. Advanced -> Group Manager -> Superadmin -> Permissions -> Reload.
5. restart freeswitch system and logout and login fusionpbx that's it!! (Optional).
6. Set announce position to true to enable.
7. Set announce frequency to any number in seconds to play the announcement as you like.
8. Add this line into app_languages.php at /var/www/fusionpbx/app/call_centers/
$text['description-queue_announce_position']['en-us'] = "Announce position of caller in the queue.";
Note: Use either Announce Position nor Announce Sound, if use both the call center will play both sound and it will be messy and noisy sound.
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