I am sorry you are feeling such pain with FusonPBX upgrades, it should not be this way.
Many people are using the Master branch at present as recommended by Mark sometime last year. Master is naturally unstable which is why we are all eagerly awaiting a new stable branch, I believe it will be 4.6 when it arrives.
The FusionPBX membership provides a good deal of information on upgrading and details any additional actions that may be required when upgrading between specific versions. In my opinion, membership has become almost essential these days for upgrading.
I do all of my upgrades at the command line, not in the GUI. I'm not saying this is the correct way to upgrade, but this is what I do:
Backup the database:
export PGPASSWORD="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
pg_dump --verbose -Fc --host= --port=5432 -U fusionpbx fusionpbx --schema=public -f /var/backups/fusionpbx/postgresql/fusionpbx_pgsql_20200726.sql
Backup your exiting installation:
mv /var/www/fusionpbx /var/www/fusionpbx_20200726
Copy in a new version:
cd /var/www
git clone https://github.com/fusionpbx/fusionpbx.git
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/fusionpbx
Now run the upgrade script, run it at least twice, I tend to re-run it until it reports no more changes:
php /var/www/fusionpbx/core/upgrade/upgrade.php
I hope that helps a little.