FQDN requirements


New Member
Sep 16, 2024

First: Great work! I can't wait to get this up and running properly so I can test it.

I've followed the install instructions to the letter. As I don't have a public FQDN, I used a made up one during the installation. domain_name=djangopbx and default_domain_name=admin.djangopbx (both with no .com or similar). The user is set as per the recommendation as admin@admin.djangopbx. For info, during the install of Debian, no domain was used (i.e. left blank) however the hostname of the machine is djangopbx. This didn't cause a problem when installing FusionPBX when I was playing with that.

I can not access the GUI. admin.djangopbx won't resolve, djangopbx refuses connection as does the IP address of the machine. Should this config work or have I messed up by making up domains? Does the domain set in Debian need to be the same as DjangoPBX? Can I just leave it blank in DjangoPBX?

For info, we're using this as a simple internal phone system and will not be receiving calls from the outside world, nor will we be making them. It's purely for internal use - hence why we don't have a public FQDN.

Thanks in advance for any help, suggestions or guidance.


Adrian Fretwell

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2017
Hi NH,
You don't need an real FQDN for what you are doing, I would always recommend using real domains if hosting on the internet.

You have a couple of options, you can add entries into the hosts files of local machines to resolve the domain names, or maybe you can set up a local DNS server on a router or even install bind9 on the DjangoPBX box (if you don't have any other Linux boxes available).

As security is not an issue in your set up, we can relax the allowed hosts rule in the ~/pbx/pbx/settings.py file and set:
This will then allow you to connect using any domain name or IP address.
