FQDN for DjangoPBX

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New Member
Sep 16, 2024

First: great work! I'm stoked to get this working so I can test it out!

I've installed DjangoPBX following the instructions to the letter. For the domain_name and default_domain_name I've had to make something up - I just don't have access to a "real" public facing domain name at the moment. I put djangopbx as the first and admin.djangopbx as the second (no .com). User was set up as per suggested pattern as admin@admin.djangopbx. The hostname of the machine is also djangopbx. I'm not able to access the GUI at all. "admin.djangopbx" is not resolved and "djangopbx" gives a connection refused (as does the IP address). Should this be working or have I messed up with trying to set it up with those "fake" domain names?

I'm more than happy to reinstall from zero, in which case, what should I put in for domain_name and default_domain_name bearing in mind I don't have one? Can I just leave blank? I left it blank during the Debian install. This apparently had no impact on FusionPBX when I was playing with that. Do I need to make sure the fake (or blank) domain name is consistent between Debian and DjangoPBX?

Thanks in advance for any help, suggestions or guidance!

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