Has anyone had any luck configuring the Dinstar gateway to connect to FusionPBX? I tried to follow the instructions on Freeswitch https://freeswitch.org/confluence/display/FREESWITCH/Dinstar+GSM+gateway+FreeSwitch+HowTo
On my Fusion PBX - I added an ACL to allow the external IP address of the DINSTAR Gateway
but now I receive the following. How can I make entries to the Freeswitch directory using fusionpbx?
On my Fusion PBX - I added an ACL to allow the external IP address of the DINSTAR Gateway
but now I receive the following. How can I make entries to the Freeswitch directory using fusionpbx?
2020-06-02 15:47:01.041367 [WARNING] sofia_reg.c:2930 Can't find user [1000@myfusionserver.com] from
You must define a domain called 'myfusionserver.com' in your directory and add a user with the id="1000" attribute
and you must configure your device to use the proper domain in its authentication credentials.