They say "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". However, in this case, it is violating copyright. DjangoPBX seemed to have copied several of FusionPBX's page designs and more. This is not okay to cheat and copy our page designs you need to put in time and come up with your own designs. If you take another look at FusionPBX you will see there is a Copyright notice and the designs are Copyrighted. Therefore DjangoPBX is currently breaking FusionPBX's Copyright and claiming ownership of your copyright of designs that were copied from FusionPBX.
Please use this opportunity to be creative and design original pages. This way you can fix your copyright violations before we are forced to defend our copyright. A peaceful solution is preferred and would be less stressful for both of us.
A few sources describing copyright
Please use this opportunity to be creative and design original pages. This way you can fix your copyright violations before we are forced to defend our copyright. A peaceful solution is preferred and would be less stressful for both of us.
A few sources describing copyright
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