Change "Choose Greeting" on an Automated schedule

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We have been using Fusion for many months now, We wish we would have added Fusion sooner to our offerings.

We are working on a customers request to change the "Choose Greeting" based on Time Conditions, Alternate Destination, Call Flows or any condition that will require a call sent to a voice mail to play a specific greeting. For example, we have set up a company voice mail box. During the day when calls are sent to the company voice mail (Alternate Destination) they are answered with greeting 1. When the company closes, they manually goto the company voice mail and manual select greeting 2

Is there a method to allow, based on programming to select which greeting is played ? Or are we approaching this from the wrong way of thinking ?

Thanks to all.


Dec 3, 2023
Two approaches I can think of;

1/ Create a "Voicemail" box extension, and set its 'Greeting' parameter to 'None'. Then create a new "Call Flow" extension with 'Sound' set to your daytime voicemail greeting and 'Alternate sound' set to your night time voicemail greeting. 'Destination' and 'Alternate destination' will be the same voicemail box extension. In the voicemail box extension, you can disable the 'Recording Instructions' and 'Recording options' if you don't want them.

2/ Create two separate "Voicemail" box extensions, one set with the daytime voicemail greeting and one set with your night time voicemail greeting. In the voicemail extension with your night time greeting, set the 'Forward Destinations' parameter to the extension of the voicemail box you created for daytime. Now, either use a "Call Flow" or "Time Conditions" to route to the two mailboxes. What this does is that, voicemails left in the night time mailbox are also copied to your daytime mailbox.

Hope it makes sense.
Thanks VoIPBull, I followed your option 2 It works well. I want to delete the voice mail message from the night mailbox (X351) as I have copied the message to (X350) Day time mail box. The message forwards just fine, I just need to delete from the night mailbox. I have a voicemail+350 key assigned so the customer can see when a message is in the mailbox. I want to avoid asking the customer to also delete the message from X351

I tried sending the message to a email address from X 351 and select to delete after the email is sent, but this did not work.

I don't know if it is considered bad Form to mention FPBX in a Fusion forum. But in FPBX I can select witch greeting can be played Unavailable or Busy. I use this option quite often. What is considered the proper way to recommend this feature to Fusion ?

Thanks to all again.
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