Audio Issues with SignalWire on FusionPBX Ring Group - Need Help


New Member
Jul 24, 2024
Hi everyone,

I’m facing audio issues with SignalWire while using FusionPBX, specifically with a ring group setup. The problem is frequent audio crackling during calls, and I’ve tried several steps to resolve it, but nothing has worked so far.

Here’s a summary of what I’ve done:

• Tested different versions of FusionPBX (three versions in total).
• Upgraded FreeSWITCH with the SignalWire token.
• Tried running FusionPBX on AWS and DigitalOcean, with all ports open.

Despite these efforts, the audio crackling persists. I suspect it might be related to my SignalWire configuration, but I’m not sure what else to tweak. Has anyone experienced similar audio issues with SignalWire on a ring group in FusionPBX? If so, I’d appreciate any advice or solutions you’ve found.