So I have a Debian 9 with a 4.5.10 fusion as the original install. I was 75 days and 600+ updates out so I decided to bite the bullet and see if some of my permission errors and sound errors were sorted by the upgrade.
I crashed and burned, managing to get to a point I had upgraded fusion and freeswitch but lost sip profiles and alot of folders. I rewound the virtual machine and went again, only upgrading fusion with git pull from the /var/www/fusionpbx folder and then running though the gui upgrade options. That's now got me to 4.5.11
So running through the freeswitch upgrade the current fusionpbx docs talk about freeswitch being in /usr/local/freeswitch where mine is in /usr/share/freeswitch, also 25 days ago the GitHub talks about the sql folder in resources/install being renamed and moved to app/script/resources/scripts.
Both of these changes are enough to muck the upgrade information on the docs upgrade page "Step 2 Update Freeswitch scripts"
I tried to change the scripts to reflex the /usr/local to /usr/share but I came a cropped with the scripts folders
.I guess at somestage Freeswitch will be to far out of date?
I crashed and burned, managing to get to a point I had upgraded fusion and freeswitch but lost sip profiles and alot of folders. I rewound the virtual machine and went again, only upgrading fusion with git pull from the /var/www/fusionpbx folder and then running though the gui upgrade options. That's now got me to 4.5.11
So running through the freeswitch upgrade the current fusionpbx docs talk about freeswitch being in /usr/local/freeswitch where mine is in /usr/share/freeswitch, also 25 days ago the GitHub talks about the sql folder in resources/install being renamed and moved to app/script/resources/scripts.
Both of these changes are enough to muck the upgrade information on the docs upgrade page "Step 2 Update Freeswitch scripts"
I tried to change the scripts to reflex the /usr/local to /usr/share but I came a cropped with the scripts folders
.I guess at somestage Freeswitch will be to far out of date?