
  1. J

    Issues with HA configuration

    Debian: Stretch FusionPBX: 4.4.8 FreeSWITCH: 1.10 I have installed the software as per the instructions provoided by https://github.com/tannermkerr/HA-fusionpbx When I enable the the following settings In switch.conf.xml <param name="switchname" value="freeswitch"/> In callcenter.conf...
  2. Baulder

    change sqlite Switch db to another location

    I defined /dev/shm/freeswitch and /dev/shm/freeswitch/db owned by www-data user in /etc/tmpfiles.d/freeswitch.conf: d /dev/shm/freeswitch 0770 www-data www-data d /dev/shm/freeswitch/db 0770 www-data www-data and created this directories by "systemd-tmpfiles --create". After that I changed...