ivr menu

  1. mdriaz

    SOLVED Trouble Passing IVR Selection to Ring Group and SIPjs Application

    Hello FusionPBX community, I'm working on a setup where I need to pass the user's IVR selection through a ring group and ultimately to a SIPjs application. How can I do that, which file do i need to update? On my research I found that we can pass headers to sipjs call invite using action...
  2. I

    How to set IVR codec to 16L@16000hz instead of 8000hz

    UPDATE: I guess it's a good idea to leave this here in case anyone else ever looks for it, but here: https://code.google.com/archive/p/fusionpbx/issues/409 I found this comment: "The path is correct because freeswitch automatically looks in 8000,16000,32000, or 48000 depending on the current...
  3. V

    Available destinations in an IVR menu

    Is it possible to limit the types of destinations available in the 'Destination' dropdown in an IVR menu. By default if displays everything - Outbound destinations, Dialplans, Extensions, Fax servers, Recordings, Tones, SIP trunks etc. I'm trying to hide the Fax servers and SIP trunks as, in my...