
  1. K

    Fresh Install (Proxmox) - freeswitch service failed

    I have just installed the latest version of FusionPBX on Proxmox CT as per the instructions. I has ended the installation with: Job for freeswitch.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status freeswitch.service" and "journalctl -xeu...
  2. M

    SQL Error after upgrade

    Hi, i have a fatal error after an upgrade, to be clear i upgraded the "Source Code" from the GUI. (The First Checkbox) After the reload, it showed me the classical first screen of the installation (like i haven't had installed FusionPBX). I've inserted the requested data, firstly the login and...
  3. P

    Installing mod_spy

    Hey i tryed to install mod_spy I found But Sadly if i want to start the mod it says 2021-03-31 09:34:24.187836 [CRIT] switch_loadable_module.c:1785 Error Loading module /usr/lib/freeswitch/mod/
  4. L

    Fusion seems disconnected from Freeswitch - Config changes in FusionPBX don't flow through to Freeswitch

    I can't imagine what I have done to screw up this install on 2 different raspberry pi 4's 3 times each but since I cannot find anything on the google machine it must be me. Each time I wiped the OS and started from scratch. Lets start with the basics: Followed the directions located here at...
  5. Z

    Installing SMS app gives 403

    Hi All, I have recently followed the install guide <a href="">here</a>, I have added it as a menu item and set the permissions accordingly but when I try to reach it I get a 403 forbidden error from nginx. I have attached the header of...
  6. B

    Fusion Newbie - Initial Thoughts/Questions

    Hi All, I was given some advice to take a look at Fusion. (Currently using 3CX). After some initial testing and mistakes I have some questions.... 1. Using a cloud based setup Vultr/OVH etc. Do you still need Internal Interface if using just WAN IPv4 address. Is it better to also have internal...
  7. J

    Installing FreeSwitch Modules on FusionPBX

    Hello, Does anyone know how to install freeswitch modules on a fusionpbx install? I want to install mod_curl as an example
  8. M

    Fusion PBX with Docker / Synology NAS

    hi, I'm new in this forum and need urgantly support. I have installed FusionPBX on my Synology NAS Diskstation (DS1515+) in Docker. The Installation process was fine and i have set the Port 8088 in docker for this container. Synology websation is using 'myIP' for the Webstation site...