
  1. B

    How to Access the Postgres Database on FusionPBX 5.3

    Step 1: Retrieve Database Credentials from the FusionPBX server SSH into FusionPBX Log in to your FusionPBX server via SSH. Open the FusionPBX Configuration File sudo nano /etc/fusionpbx/config.conf Locate the following information in the file and make note of it: database.0.port = 5432...
  2. I

    Hung Calls in Call Center

    Hello, I am seeing rare but a continuing issue where calls in a Call Center remain in the database. I started with one, then two, and now three phones that won't ring inbound calls from the Call Center. However, local calls are okay. I focused on the phones: rebooting them, resetting and...
  3. T

    After update, freeswitch reverts to default -- nothing registering, database issue?

    I recently did a test upgrade on a duped VM and all went well. Did the git update command line, ran permission updates, and did each option on the update page one by one. Rebooted, after that everything was ok, Did apt-get update/upgrade, updated freeswitch and others, rebooted, and all was...
  4. S

    Manually entering data into DB

    This could be a very dumb question and if so I apologize. I don't see a way to export device profiles from fusion so i see that there are three tables (profiles, keys and settings). I want to just copy the table data to the DB on another server. I don't mean just copy all, mostly just they keys...
  5. P

    FusionPBX Database for Voicemail

    Hey Guys. I'm trying to build a application that enables the Uuer to Listen to voicemail messages via Web-Interface. I found nothing like that in the Internet. But i have a question: "What is the name of the Database where FusionPBX saves the Messages Infos?" On vanilla Freeswitch is a Database...
  6. A

    SOLVED CDR's are not Displaying on multi tenant - Remote Database

    Hello, I have a fusionpbx installed on AWS instance and i have set the database to the AWS RDS. Currently the issue i am facing is, i have 3 domains registered and when i select any of the domain except the primary one i can see the Active Calls but i cannot view the Call Detail Records, It is...
  7. A

    Fusionpbx HA setup NATIVE SQL ERR [no such table: sip_registrations]

    Greeting list, I have followed a nice article by DigitalDaz and everything went smoothly without any apparent error. I created an extension on the first server(Debian 8.10 with posgreSQL 9.4.7) and it was replicated on the other server. But when I tried to connect to freeswitch on the servers...