
  1. I

    Can someone help setting up inbound caller id from contacts?

    Hello, i had tried following this tutorial on setting up inbound caller id from contacts: hovewer it results to unknown for all callers including ones I have in contacts. I tried removing country code, switching...
  2. E

    Import contacts csv

    Salut à toutes et tous, Pour l'importation des contacts, voici comment je fais avec un simple fichier csv. Si ça peux aider tant mieux ! La numérotation en rouge correspond à l'ordre des colonnes du fichier csv. Fichier CSV : Import étape 1 : Import étape 2 : Résultat de l'import :
  3. H

    SOLVED Phonebook on the Grandstream phone (and use the contacts list to fill the from-header)

    Hi all, I was wondering if I could use the FusionPBX contacts and upload them to a Grandstream phone. Well, it doesn’t work out of the box. As I have it working now and it took a lot of my time, I will share it with this forum. I’m using the latest FusionPBX 5.1 and Freeswitch 1.10.11...
  4. Andrew Byrd

    SOLVED Contacts does not allow editing (no pencil icon)

    I created a CONTACT but after I save it (according to fpbx docs) there is no pencil icon to edit so that I can add the actual phone number to the contact. Am I missing something? see attached
  5. C

    Empty Phonebook.xml

    Hello, I've been trying to get provisioning to work generating a phonebook.xml file for my Grandstream phones (Mix of 2170, 2135, 1628) from the Contacts App and all I can get it to do is generate an empty file that just contains the following: <?xml version="1.0"...
  6. Caleb

    SOLVED Show Only Directory-visible Extensions in Contacts/Phonebook Request

    We have a few extensions that are set to not be visible in the directory, and we wanted the same sort of filter to apply to "phonebook" or "contacts" downloads (via provisioning). Unfortunately, I haven't found a built-in way to do this, so I accomplished the goal by adding the following line of...
  7. EasyBB

    Script - Snom phone Action URL to FusionPBX Caller ID

    I use this script to gather caller id information from my colleagues. This script is written to work with Snom phones but can be modified to suit any phone that can hit an http url when certain events happen on the phone. I use Snom's "Incoming Call/ On Connected" Action URL field to fire this...