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  1. M

    Importing Follow-Me info

    Thanks very much!
  2. M

    Importing Follow-Me info

    Following up on this, I think I am going to have to run some manual db queries for follow me. I've written a query to add a follow me and update the extension, but when I run it, the extension doesn't show up as "Enabled (1)" in the Follow Me app. If I click on the extension, and then click save...
  3. M

    External SIP profile not responding to provider's OPTIONS ping

    I've now learned about Event Guard. ;) I did not set up the ACL prior to the gateway, so I believe my SIP provider's IP was blocked in IPtables "sip-auth-ip" chain by Event Guard. sngrep and tcpdump see the traffic before iptables has a chance to do it's thing, so they were seeing the traffic...
  4. M

    External SIP profile not responding to provider's OPTIONS ping

    Hi all, hope someone can help with what should be a simple question. :) Our provider uses IP authentication for SIP trunks. I created a binding with them from their public IP to <our public IP>:5080 (which is forwarded in the firewall). I added a gateway with the suggested settings on the...
  5. M

    Importing Follow-Me info

    Hi all, When I export an extension, the follow me is just a "follow_me_uuid", I assume for somewhere else in the db. Is there a way to import/export follow-me entries? I don't see anything in member documentation.
  6. M

    Replicating the switch database between two nodes

    Alright, can you tell me if this is a bad plan? :) I'm going to have an active/passive cluster with two servers in different datacenters. Failover is going to be handled by keepalived (which I have working already). Postgres DB is replicated as per the documentation. Config files and stuff will...
  7. M

    Replicating the switch database between two nodes

    Got it, thanks! I thought the switch data was more permanent. Somewhat related, If I make a change on the current active FusionPBX server, like an extension change, how long does that change take to apply in the switch on the backup server? Is Fusion constantly monitoring for database changes...
  8. M

    Replicating the switch database between two nodes

    Hi all, I've followed the member guide "Logical Replication - Multi-Master" the FusionPBX database to replicate the FusionPBX database between two hosts, but now I am trying to do the same for the switch database and am running into trouble. Is there any documentation on how to go about this...