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  1. C


    Hi all, This is a version dedicated to FusionPBX, I use this code since long time (more than ten years) on asterisk based softswitch to bill commercial accounts. I have just adapted the code to use postgre and customise table names. You can build many other advanced features to insert in the...
  2. C

    Billing solution for FusionPBX

    You can get one here for example or on any other Carrier, then format it to import in your new v_routing table. My side my need is simple, just postpay company account unlimited for some destinations or...
  3. C

    Billing solution for FusionPBX

    Hi all, I just start to write a billing for my fusionpbx parsing the v_xml_cdr table datas > add rate datas frome a rate table and finaly pushing in a new table by this way I can use my old billing scripts it's not something difficult to do for a postpaid billing. I use this query to extract...
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    Customized Ringback tone

    @DigitalDaz My job is not to sale IPBX or Voip trunks, my job is telecom technology consultant, I get money only for this skill and I don't need more. Basicaly I spend my time to check products on the market and listen my customers specification, I realy think Fusionpbx is a killer product as I...
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    Customized Ringback tone

    My god ! I'm working on PBX market since many many years I work both for Wholesale, callshop, call center and company maket. This feature is required only for corporate PBX and Fusionpbx seem to be one of them. Corporate IPBX not able to play a message during call progress is just unsaleable in...
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    Customized Ringback tone

    This make the job
  7. C

    Customized Ringback tone

    This is a nice tool speed and usefull thanks, it not solve my problem but surely solve many other format problems :-)
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    Greeting sound while the destination is being called

    Finaly I just add a <action application="answer" data=""/> and seem to work fine but not sure this is the good method.
  9. C

    Greeting sound while the destination is being called

    This is exactly what I do first and then I try custom inbound route without more luck. <extension name="3317642xxxx" continue="false" uuid="88f7e774-716a-4087-809b-9356dc03f6da"> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(3317642xxxx)$"> <action application="export"...
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    Customized Ringback tone

    Not working for me is there a special format for the music ?
  11. C

    Greeting sound while the destination is being called

    Hello, I try to have a welcome message on Inbound during the call progress I create a Ring group as destination and set Greeting "my_message.wav" But first the message is read and then the phone is called, I would like both actions at the same time how to do it ? Thank's in advance Christian
  12. C

    Moh on Inbound

    Maybe it's a noob question but I try to set a basic function for an IPBX as pre_answer and playing message during the call progress ? I try play back but message is played and then the call progress.
  13. C

    SOLVED Prepend incomming callerid

    Ok it work, correct Value is Translate:fr_in,XML But it change not only caller_id_number, it change also destination number so I have changed destination with the 10 digits number and it work I have added also in my inbound route dialplan effective_caller_id_name=${caller_id_number} as my...
  14. C

    SOLVED Prepend incomming callerid

    Right as your recommendation I make this to get french national good format I'm not sure to understain how to use it then for change incomming callerid number ? is this the correct way in sip external profile:
  15. C

    SOLVED Prepend incomming callerid

    Thank's DigitalDaz, this guide is a very interesting explaination for genius, I'm not but I can understain as I use many time notepad++ regular exp module and it seem very close I understain $1, $2 is the pattern into the (). Right when I go to the inbound dialplan editor I select regex and...
  16. C

    SOLVED Prepend incomming callerid

    I have modified inbound route and add a line Action set effective_caller_id_number=0${caller_id_number} and it work fine But how to do it only for condition callerid is 9 digit
  17. C

    SOLVED Domain delete error

    I understain the problem is a bug on sms app code. The SMS install code create a table v and not a v_sms_messages, if I create v_sms_messages and v_sms_destinations manualy my problem is solved and I can delete domains. CREATE TABLE v ( sms_message_uuid uuid PRIMARY KEY, extension_uuid uuid...
  18. C

    SOLVED Prepend incomming callerid

    Hello, I'm very noob on FPBX and Freeswitch and I have no idea how to manipulate the dialplan. When I receive a national call the Callerid is 0XXXXXXXXX and I get only 9 last digits without 0 On Asterisk I use this dialplan on inbound context [inbound] exten =>...
  19. C

    SOLVED Domain delete error

    Hello and thank you for this great product, I have installed two fusion PBX on Debian 9 remote server and all have the same problem. I can't delete any domain, I have just this on postgresql logs: 2019-04-23 16:09:37.615 UTC [13538] fusionpbx@fusionpbx ERROR: relation "v_sms_messages" does not...