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    Call Parking

    You can easily do it by modifying the park dialplan and adding a ${sip_from user} condition to check for the extensions and modifying the destination_number condition for the park extensions you want. Copy the dialplan and set it for every group of extensions.
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    Parsing the Outbound Caller ID Number to use as your 7-digit bridge action

    Create a dialplan to set the area code <extension name="set-area-code" continue="true"> <condition field="${outbound_caller_id_number}" expression="^1?(\d{3})"> <action application="set" data="area_code=$1" inline="true"/> </condition> </extension> In the 7 digit gateway, use...
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    Queue agents ring notification via dialplan

    The contact string in callcenter can be any valid freeswitch dialstring. From the agent page in fusion, set the agent's contact field to something like {execute_on_ring='lua curl.lua'}user/ or any other application you want to execute. You can read more about dialstrings and the...
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    Queue agents ring notification via dialplan

    uuid-standby is for agents to dial in and listen to music until there are callers in the queue that need to be bridged. You don't need this for loopback.
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    Call recording with shared gateway

    As I suspected, you don't have the call_direction=outbound set in your dialplan. I also don't see the user_record dialplan being parsed.
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    Queue agents ring notification via dialplan

    Callcenter agents get originated with the contact string set on the agent page agents, and they do not traverse the dialplan (unless you use loopback). You can set in the contact string execute_on_ring='curl https://your url'
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    Call recording with shared gateway

    @hamagid His issue is with outbound call recording, not inbound. @jimmygee2003 Can you post the freeswitch logs of the call?
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    Call recording with shared gateway

    You're probably missing a call_direction-outbound dialplan that matches your outbound route regex.
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    407 Proxy Authentication R

    You probably didn't whitelist your provider's IP address in the ACL.
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    Sending SIMPLE (SIP) message from lua script to registered extension in FusionPBX

    You seem to have a typo in the SMS::SEND_MESSAGE event "sip_prifile" instead of "sip_profile"
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    How to put extensions in some logical groups so that only extensions from same group can call each other

    There are multiple ways to accomplish this, but you'll need to write some lua to handle this.
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    How to put extensions in some logical groups so that only extensions from same group can call each other

    Fusion has the concept of having multiple extensions in their own group by having the context of the extensions to and etc. But Fusion doesn't support having extensions in multiple contexts. You can accomplish this by playing with the XML handler to build the...
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    IPv4 / IPv6 | DualStack - Internal call from to...

    You can run in fs_cli "sofia global siptrace on" to get all sip traffic including tls.
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    Inbound calls being marked as outbound in Call Detail Records

    Ring group and follow me will create two records only on loopback channels. One for the real aleg and another for the loopback-b leg. The loopback-b record gets saved because it is the aleg of the real bleg. This isn't the case by a regular call forward that only has one aleg.
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    Inbound calls being marked as outbound in Call Detail Records

    @markjcrane We can have an additional column in the database initial_direction that will be set as the initial call direction. We'll set initial_call_direction=inbound in the inbound route dialplan
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    Inbound calls being marked as outbound in Call Detail Records

    CDR by default shows only the Aleg of the call so you won't get 2 records in a call forward scenario. I agree that in the case of a call forward, it should be marked as an inbound call.
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    SOLVED Does not switch to the backup gateway if the main one fails.

    What's the reason the first gateway fails? It will only failover if the failure reason matches one of the failure reasons in the continue_on_fail variable. You can set continue_on_fail=true to always failover regardless of the failure reason.
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    Caller ID name change via command or API call

    So why do you need a lua script for this? Call the API from any external script, update the fusionpbx v_extensions table with the new caller id values, and flush the fusionpbx file cache.
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    Caller ID name change via command or API call

    Unless I don't understand what you're trying to do, this should be very simple. Caller IDs are set by setting origination_caller_id_name or effective_caller_id_name. you can do it from lua with session:setVariable().