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  1. V

    Cannot locate domain after network blackout

    Okay so I managed to connect my IP phone (Yealink T43U), after finding the logs on the phone, I saw that the TLS handshake was failing because of "X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED"; So on the phone web interface I went to Security > Trusted certificates and I disabled "Only Accept Trusted...
  2. V

    Cannot locate domain after network blackout

    So yeah... from what I've read from other threads on this forum, it seems like any domain problems won't get any answer and the ticket will get closed automatically. Thats really sad and concerning to have no solution for that. So should I reinstall and hope things don't crash again?
  3. V

    Cannot locate domain after network blackout

    Hello, Long story short, my routeur got reseted and I only managed to do the old configuration hours after the reset, so there was a period of many hours where there was no network on the debian that hosts my fusionpbx server. I had to redo all network configuration on the routeur as well as...