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  1. S

    Inbound SMS from gateway

    Yay! After a ton of research and fiddling I got everything working as far as I can tell for what I need. SMS from VoIP phones work but not sending from the messages web app. First I setup a simple http dumper that logged all http request and pointed to that so I could see the incoming...
  2. S

    Inbound SMS from gateway

    The messages app does look promising. I'll give it a whirl. Is there a proper procedure to uninstall the SMS app to make sure it does not conflict with the Messages App? Thanks.
  3. S

    Inbound SMS from gateway

    Hello everyone. I'm trying to get incoming sip MESSAGEs from a gateway routed to an extension. All inbound and outbound calling work great on the gateway, no issues there. I did install mod_sms and got local extension to extension SMS to work. When sending a SMS to my number...