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  1. Dast

    Ring group CDR not showing answering extension

    Hiya I have a ring group that calls a mix of extensions, and external numbers. The issue is with the CDR, it does not show the extension that answered the call. The following screenshot shows an example. 900* is the ring group. The call was answered by an extension, but it's not shown, the...
  2. Dast

    SMS Integration

    Hi all, Does DjangoPBX currently support SMS, or SIMPLE chat messages? I could not find any info on this in the git repo or website.
  3. Dast

    Valet Parking destination as header

    Hi all I've got a user that wants to receive the valet parking lot destination as a SIP header when parking a call using *5900. I have modified the `app/valet_park/index.lua` script to include the following; if (session:ready()) then session:execute("export"...
  4. Dast

    Call Center External Agent

    Hi there, How can I have a call center call an external number for an agent? After searching the forums, I see follow-me does not work with call centers. I know a ring-group will work, however I also require the queue aspect of call centers. Any ideas on how I can accomplish this? I'm using...
  5. Dast

    FusionPBX v5 DSS Key Icons

    Hi all, I'm wondering where I can find a list of available icon names for Yealink phones? I'm specifically looking for models T46s and T56a, but any pointers would be appreciated. I'm trying to change the icons shown on the phone for the following setup;
  6. Dast

    Agent ring timeout

    Hi all, I have a call center queue using ring-all with no tier rules, which works fine and calls all available agents. The issue is that it rings each agent for only about 10 seconds, can anyone advise where I can change this value? The agent's extensions have a "Call Timeout" of 30.
  7. Dast

    Call center agents, with follow-me

    Hi all, I have a call center queue setup using the "callback" type, where the agents are signed in all the time (they never signout). The agent extensions also have "Follow-Me" enabled, whereby if their extension is not registered then it is diverted to their remote extension (on their cell...
  8. Dast

    Inbound Destination complains of no destination defined

    I'm trying to modify an existing inbound destination via fusionpbx. Whenever I attempt to save changes it gives me the following error; For context, here is a screenshot of the config I'm attempting to save; The error message doesn't really make sense to me, as a destination is defined. Is...
  9. Dast

    Delete this thread

    Thread no longer required. Please delete
  10. Dast

    Call drop after 30 seconds

    Hi all, I'm having a problem where calls are dropped after 30 seconds, even though 2 way audio is working. I suspect it's somehow a NAT issue, and by doing a siptrace I was able to determine that the call is being dropped due to no ACK being sent by the external handset. I can't figure out why...