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  1. G

    IRC or Telegram Chat Group

    Would you consider creating an official Telegram DjangoPBX chat group, I think it'll gain more traction than an IRC channel. There's quite active FusionPBX, Asterisk, VitalPBX communities on Telegram and I'm sure over time the project will gain more traction with an official DjangoPBX channel.
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    Anybody using this in production

    As the title says is anybody using this in production?
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    Change default MOH for single tenant

    Hey, Can anybody advise how I could change the default music on hold for a single tenant?
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    Ring Group - Timeout 120 seconds

    Hey Guys, I have ring groups setup using both “enterprise” and “simultaneous”. I set the ring group timeout for 400 seconds and set the timeout for each extension in the ring group to 400 seconds. However all calls hangup at 120 seconds. Also note I play a greeting file at the start of the ring...
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    CallerID Name Prefix Issue

    Has anybody run into this issue, i’ll give you an example: If I have two ring groups MAINLINE_RG1 (5500) and MAINLINE_RG2 (5501) MAINLINE_RG1 (5500) - Rings a few phones for 20 seconds then goes to MAINLINE_RG2 (5501) and rings a few more phones. If I set the CallerID Name Prefix in 5500 to...
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    Device Profiles - Protected Key

    Hey Guys, Does anybody know what's supposed to happen when you set a key as protected = "True" in device profiles?
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    track-calls configuration for FusionPBX

    Hey Guys, Has anybody successfully setup the "track-calls" parameter on the SIP profiles so that you can failover to a secondary server and keep the call alive. In the SIP profiles I set "track-calls" to "true" and made sure both freeswitch servers had the same switch name in switch.conf.xml...
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    TIP - Log Agents In & Out of Individual Queue's

    Hey Guys, I wasn't aware this was possible with FusionPBX until I discovered it last night, I'm sure some of you already knew though but thought i'd share it anyway. If you add the "agent" widget to the user dashboard. It allows you to log in or out of individual queue's. Normally when you go...
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    Freeswitch CRM Integration

    Hi Guys, A few months ago I saw a demo of the redcactus CRM integration, it's one of the most flexible and easy to setup CRM integrations I've seen and supports all the popular CRM's (blows away things like 3CX CRM integration). I will be paying for them to add Freeswitch as a supported PBX...
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    FusionPBX - Fail2ban app

    Has anybody used this Interested to hear your feedback.
  11. G

    Best SessionTalk app for FusionPBX

    I see there is two apps available for SessionTalk, the one in the official repo: And one provided by demonspork that seems to have more features and activity in the repo:
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    Opus Codec Quality vs G711

    Hey Guys, I've been testing the Opus codec using the recommended settings from the Freeswitch wiki. My test environment consists of a Bria Enterprise softphone (with Opus support). I was hoping/expecting with the Opus codec I could get call quality similar to Microsoft Teams when in an...
  13. G

    DND Feature Sync

    Hi Guys, Ive followed all the guides on how to get DND feature sync to work. Enabling it via config files on my yealink and I commenting phone_events section in a lua file. So I just wanted to check to see if anybody has it working and if it’s possible. If I press DND on the handset it sync’s...
  14. G

    Linking Callflows with Conditions

    Hi Guys, We have a client where we've setup "Call Flows" that link to each other and BLF buttons on the handset to control them. ie. When "Call Flow 1" is enabled it's destination is "Call Flow 2". What i'd like to do is have a setting so we can say if Call Flow 1 status is TURN ON then...
  15. G

    Cannot queue any more events

    From time to time (weekly or monthly) I see the error below in Freeswitch. I'm running Freeswitch 1.8, max 20 cps, only runnning at 15-20% CPU and only 2GB of 16GB used (runnning on AWS). Any idea's how to troubleshoot so I can track down what is causing the issues. [ERR] switch_cpp.cpp:48...
  16. G

    Incorrect Wait Time In Call Queues

    Hi Guys, I've noticed recently when somebody calls into a queue and I look at the "Active Call Center" app the wait time is always starting from around 2:50sec and not from 0. This is happening for all callers in all my clients call centres, I'm sure this wasn't always the case though. Has...
  17. G

    Ring All - Tiers - How do they apply?

    Hi All, Question regarding call centre ring strategy "Ring All" and how the tiers apply. If I had 4 tiers and set "Tier rules apply = true" and I had 2 agents in each tier. Agent call timeout is 30 seconds Tier wait second is 15 seconds I want the agents in each tier to ring for 15 seconds...
  18. G

    FusionPBX -> Asterisk routing

    Hi Guys, I have a client with an asterisk pbx he still has some phones on my FusionPBX. He needs to be able to extension dial the local PBX extensions on both FusionPBX and Asterisk and also make outbound calls to the PSTN through FusionPBX. I have been able to get local extension dialling...
  19. G

    FusionPBX 4.4 Timeout Destination Error

    Hi Guys, There is an issue with Fusion 4.4, I've tested it on a fresh installation as well as my production system and have the same issue (upgrading to 4.5 isn't an option at the moment). When I setup a Call Centre Queue, set a timeout destination and click save - All is fine If I click save...
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    Yealink BLF stopping working - After Holiday Period

    Hi Guys, All my clients reported the same issue, they when they came back from their holiday break none of the BLF keys were lighting up green/red. A simple reboot of the phone fixed the issue but did anybody else experience this issue? It was across all different Yealink handsets T46S, T54W...