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  1. C

    New install, firewall or nginx trouble

    Thx, got to dig more in the docu to understand everything.
  2. C

    New install, firewall or nginx trouble

    There is another one I don't get.... If my IP range is in or I know how to set the firewall rules... Atm I know these three points. (Depends if it is a phone or only web access if I need to change all ore only some) ignore_fail_address in admin interface...
  3. C

    New install, firewall or nginx trouble

    Did a new install like the video @ DjangoPBX video on a rpi 4. When I login into the portal, I can access the API and Admin from Admin Tools, there are no problems. But if I try to access the OS Dashboard or everything else from the Portal, the firewall stops me from accessing the Portal. Also...