Search results

  1. U

    Voicemail Hangup Issues 5.3 Fresh Install

    Logs show: [WARNING] mod_sndfile.c:281 Error Opening File [/var/lib/freeswitch/storage/voicemail/default/mydomain/430/msg_04f331de-5c7d-425c-88f4-ee5c01582373.wav] [No Error.] [NOTICE] switch_ivr_play_say.c:564 Hangup sofia/internal/ext@mydomain:5061 [CS_EXECUTE] [DESTINATION_OUT_OF_ORDER] The...
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    Voicemail Hangup Issues 5.3 Fresh Install

    Having issues with voicemail on a fresh install of 5.3. After the tone to leave a message the call is dropped. Otherwise everything works. I am wondering if this is due to using Freeswitch 1.10.12? Install details: Debian 12 Fusion 5.3 installed using Signalwire/Freeswitch token in...
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    After Upgrade from 5.0 to 5.1 Login Authentication Fails

    Was able to resolve this by doing a schema upgrade from the command line: As root run the following: cd /var/www/fusionpbx /usr/bin/php /var/www/fusionpbx/core/upgrade/upgrade.php That let me login to the GUI again . . .
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    After Upgrade from 5.0 to 5.1 Login Authentication Fails

    After doing a GUI upgrade from 5.09 to 5.1, SuperAdmin logins fail. My system: Debian 10 with updates Freeswitch 1.10.9 Using Master Branch Using multi-tenant with 1 active domain After upgrade, flushed browser cache as usual. Login authentication fails. Tested: pgsql connections are working...
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    Transcription option

    Have you run the option checkboxes under Advanced-Upgrade below source code? That usually fixes menu issues after upgrades. I usually do Schema and Data Types 1st, and then after that has finished App Defaults, Menu Defaults, and Permission Defaults. Whenever I do all those after an upgrade I...
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    Voicemails are not getting emailed

    For those with the missing email parameter issue, what do you have in Advanced--Default Settings--Email--smtp_from ? My working system has and Enabled is True. Curious if this setting is the issue or something else . . .
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    Sofia-sip security issues

    There are many different ways to check this. Search engines might help. Here is one method: apt list Then look in the list for: libsofia-sip-ua-dev/stable 1.13.9-105~2a6190f892~buster amd64 libsofia-sip-ua-glib-dev/stable 1.13.9-105~2a6190f892~buster amd64 libsofia-sip-ua-glib3-dbgsym/stable...
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    Sofia-sip security issues

    I don't know if there is a better way, but I resolved this for my system by following these guides: I wasn't sure how this would work...
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    Sofia-sip security issues

    Since FusionPBX/Freeswitch uses Sofia-sip, these security vulns caught my eye: CVE rating is 5...
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    Voicemails are not getting emailed

    If you upgraded from 4.x to 5.x, you will need to install the email queue. This was covered in a few other threads like this one: Here is the link on how to install the service...
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    transcription stop working after upgrade to v5

    I noticed the slowness also using the queue. Found a setting: Default-Settings-Email Queue-interval which by default is 120 seconds. I tried changing it to 10 seconds and it definitely speeds things up, but not sure if there might be other unintended consequences of making the number low. If...
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    transcription stop working after upgrade to v5

    Running 5.04 on my test system. Transcription does not work unless I install/enable the email queue as noted by NVT above. If installed/enabled, it works fine. Using IBM transcription with latest recommended settings from IBM. Just curious if anyone knows how to automate the cleanup of the...
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    transcription stop working after upgrade to v5

    This is likely from a fairly recent code change, not v5 in general. It is broken on my test system after the upgrading to the code changes made in the past few weeks? or so. It was working fine with version 5 before that. I did do Debian 10 updates at about the same time, so there is a...
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    SOLVED FusionPbx older installer

    While still Debian based, the FusionPBX download page would appear to prefer Ubuntu as the OS of choice now: I'm still running Debian 10, but am wondering about future upgrades moving to Ubuntu . . .
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    Upgrade to 1.10.7

    Which file are you looking at? I'm looking at /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/sip-auth-failure.conf Here are the two options I tested, the default which still works on my system despite upgrading to Freeswich 1.10.7 and the edit you suggested (commented out, but when commented in I cannot get to work)...
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    Upgrade to 1.10.7

    Correction, I do see the percentage in the Freeswitch log, but not in the Fail2ban log. It does not appear that the percentage being in the Freeswitch log has impaired the Fail2ban on my system from working by default, as seen from my Fail2ban log entries above . . .
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    Upgrade to 1.10.7

    So any idea why my log entries don't look like that, but I'm on 1.10.7? Any suggestions for what I should check?
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    Upgrade to 1.10.7

    Kinda confused . . . I upgraded to the latest Freeswitch 1.10.7 and rebooted, etc. Tested using a phone with a wrong password (Grandstream phone, I put 2 sip accounts in to get enough failures in 1 minute to trigger). Fail2ban worked like it always has without modifications. The default I...
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    I don't use Fusion provisioning at present, but use a bunch of HT802 devices with FusionPBX and they all work fine. I have seen the config paths not save when the firmware is old, or the device needs a reboot. Grandstream does not lock these addresses down that I have ever seen, neither on the...
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    hangup_after_bridge and continue_on_fail

    Thanks! So if I am understanding correctly, hangup_after_bridge=true and continue_on_fail=true are now in (or were before in) the Dialplan Manager in local_extension. Since inbound calls still go to a local extension, I presume they still hit the Dialplan local_extension and thus those...