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  1. R

    Invoking PHP Script in Dialplan

    Hi, Is there any kind way of this? Thanks.
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    Integration With FOP2

    No @galschmal, i could not.
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    Integration With FOP2

    Hi, I am trying to integrate freeswitch with FOP2. Socket connection is OK but events not reflect to FOP2 user panel. Is there anybody who use FOP2 on freeswitch? I guess, my buttons configuration is wrong. Here is a button configuration for an extension. [SOFIA/INTERNAL/1001]...
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    Diversion Header

    Hi again, Does anyone have any suggestions?
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    Diversion Header

    Hi @markjcrane I also add diversion header to call_forward_all like that: sip_h_Diversion=somecallerid@somedomain This didn't work. 1. Is this format is valid? When i add like that: sip_h_Diversion=Test It works. Between those changes, i restart freeswitch and flush the cache, but the...
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    Diversion Header

    Hello, I am trying to set diversion header for a forwarded call in my outbound route. The problem is even though I set sip_h_Diversion as a random string for test, or a valid Diversion header in that manner, it does not show up in the sip package. Can anybody look if I'm doing something wrong...
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    SOLVED Gateway Between Two FusionPBX

    Yes, I figured out that. I used gateway and inbound route.
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    SOLVED Gateway Between Two FusionPBX

    Sorry for the late answer. Actually, problem is that, profile of my gateways are internal but freeswitch try to find the dialed number in inbound routes. Therefore, i get "404 Not Found" error. It should search extensions, not innbound routes. How can i provide that? Thanks for your...
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    SOLVED Gateway Between Two FusionPBX

    Hi, I have two FusionPBXs on two different networks. I am trying to communicate my extensions. I couldn't figure out gateway settings to send proper calls between two servers. It seems like a CallerID issue and i get forbidden error. Is there any standart way/settings of make calls between...
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    SOLVED Fax Cover Page

    Hi, I found where it will be done. In /var/www/fusionpbx/app/fax/fax_send.php file.
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    SOLVED Fax Cover Page

    Hi, Is there anybody to make a suggestion? I am waiting for help. Thank you.
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    SOLVED Fax Cover Page

    Hi, I changed font of fax cover page. But, font of footer is still same. How can i change footer's font? Thank you.