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  1. Adrian Fretwell

    couple of questions about Auto Provisioning

    Sorry if I have misunderstood part of this tread but to the best of my knowledge, the fusion contacts application works fine with the Yealink remote phone book. You just have to enable it in Default Settings:
  2. Adrian Fretwell

    Cannot log in with new user

    @DigitalDaz Thank you for the update.
  3. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED Manipulating Incoming CLI

    You are probably looking for something like this in your inbound route: action set effective_caller_id_number=${regex(${caller_id_number}|^000(.*)$|+%1)} This will take the caller_id_number and strip the leading 000 and add the +.
  4. Adrian Fretwell

    Cannot log in with new user

    I would not expect the salt column to be empty. You could try the password reset process, but this may be pointless if the software is broken. I have never tried copying in a v_users record from another install, or...
  5. Adrian Fretwell

    Cannot log in with new user

    Have you checked what has been written to the DB? This is the trouble with installing from master, we are all getting slightly different software - it makes trying to replicate someone else's problem very difficult.
  6. Adrian Fretwell

    Incoming call audio issue

    It's difficult to guess at what may be your problem, but to me it sounds network related. Do some analytics on your network and look for lost packets, out of sequence packets and excessive jitter times. Wireshark provides some useful audio (RTP) analysis. You say that recordings of problem...
  7. Adrian Fretwell

    Backup script

    You can find the latest backup and maintenance scripts at: Follow the link for your operating system, i.e. debian, then navigate to resources/backup. This is the full link for Debian...
  8. Adrian Fretwell

    Yealink BLF/MWI Subscribe Interestingness

    Update: Well, it was just that T27G, other Yealink phones have behaved as expected. Certainly had me going around in circles for a while, trying to figure out what was happening with SUBSCRIBE messages. Factory reset, install latest T27 firmware - all good.
  9. Adrian Fretwell

    Restore problem

    You are correct the fusionpbx DB is no longer there. You should be able to restore it. This is a simple scrip that I use, you will need to edit the backup directory and the password. On a new install of fusionpbx a random password is generated for postgresql, you can find it in...
  10. Adrian Fretwell

    Restore problem

    It sounds like whatever you ran in cron.daily has done something nasty to your database. But at least you have a backup right? Try to start postgres but make sure nothing is going to try to talk to it, so stop freeswitch and nginx first. service freeswitch stop service nginx stop Now try to...
  11. Adrian Fretwell

    Restore problem

    As the error suggests, check to see if Postresql is actually running. The command ps ax | grep postgres should give you a result similar to what is shown below: root@a2estest1:~# ps ax | grep postgres 604 ? Ss 1:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin/postgres -D...
  12. Adrian Fretwell

    Yealink BLF/MWI Subscribe Interestingness

    This is one for the Yealink gurus out there... I am bench testing a mid-registrar proxy, and thus far everything is working fine apart from (some of) the NOTIFY messages for the BLFs etc. The phone I'm using is a T27G, Firmware Version I have the PBX SIP address set up in Server...
  13. Adrian Fretwell

    Forcing Opus codec on inbound calls

    Obviously the proxy sending you the inbound call will need to support/offer the Opus codec. The setting that controls what you will accept is inbound-codec-prefs on your external SIP profile. Also look at inbound-codec-negotiation, by default it is set to "generous", but setting it to "greedy"...
  14. Adrian Fretwell

    Branding copy to another install

    Just to elaborate on what @Newbee has said. If you want to get the information programmatically (for the most commonly changes ones) (more sub-categories are available), the following SQL, should give you what you need from the server where you made the changes: select * from v_default_settings...
  15. Adrian Fretwell

    Looking to get out of some work

    Lets assume you want to do this for every extension in the domain, the SQL would be something like this: update v_extensions set emergency_caller_id_number = '1234' where domain_uuid = '<domain_uuid>'; You can get the domain uuid with: select domain_uuid from v_domains where domain_name =...
  16. Adrian Fretwell

    Branding copy to another install

    The look/branding information is held in the postgrsql table v_default_settings. The category you are interested in is "theme" and the following sub categories are the ones that you most likely changed: title footer favicon logo menu_brand_type menu_brand_text...
  17. Adrian Fretwell

    FusionPBX BLF List - Integration with Skype for Business

    In terms of documentation the following link is a good start: It is also helpful to understand FreeSWITCH: FusionPBX supports BLF / BLF keys and it works quite well. Your post title...
  18. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED 'internal' SIP profile assigning random port instead of 5060

    Agree with @DigitalDaz Stop using STUN (as I said earlier). STUN is fine for endpoints behind NAT, but is not a good solution for the PBX itself. Just to be clear, STUN does NOT choose random ports, it merely reports back to you the source IP and source ports that the STUN request came from...
  19. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED 'internal' SIP profile assigning random port instead of 5060

    Try registering an endpoint... Try one on the LAN first, then if that works, you say you have forwarded ports, so then try an external endpoint. sngrep is your friend for watching SIP message exchanges whilst diagnosing connectivity issues. Using "stun:..." in the external_sip_ip etc. is not...
  20. Adrian Fretwell

    SOLVED 'internal' SIP profile assigning random port instead of 5060

    Still don't see where "" is coming from. Maybe you have this set in the variables. Take this one stage at a time, remove all references to stun in sip_ip, sip_ext_ip etc. and replace with IP addresses only. Restart freeswitch and see what you have then.