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  1. M

    * code to set night service

    That worked beautifully. Thanks
  2. M

    * code to set night service

    Right now the DID is pointing to the TimeCondition. I figured out how to update the call flow setting to day mode and night mode. But how would this overwrite the timeCondition? If I set the DID to the calls flow, how will it automatically flip back? My ultimate goal is have it from 8-5 ring...
  3. M

    * code to set night service

    Didn't work. Maybe I misunderstood. After I set it up, I call and the systems accepts the call then hangs up, but nothing happens. Phones are still ringing to receptionist. What am I missing? under Application>>>Call Flow I have the following set: Name: <Generic Name> Extension: <new...
  4. M

    * code to set night service

    I have a customer that has a "time of day" setup. In the mornings at 8AM the calls ring the receptionist and she handles all the calls. At 5PM the calls go to an auto attendant. This works fine. The issue becomes when the office closes early, or sometimes they dont go in. Is there a way I...
  5. M

    stir/shaken support

    Hello All, Stir/Shaken has been added to freeswich with libstirshaken. What are the plans to integrate stir/shaken to FusionPBX?
  6. M

    System application missing

    Hello, We have some custom scripts that ran on older versions. We have just installed version 4.5.15. These scripts are python scripts, we used to call them with the "system" action. We are are not seeing the system application anymore. Is there a way to add this back, or is there a new...
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    cli password change

    Hello, We are building several boxes out using Ansible. We need to be able to change the default password on the boxes to our own password. Is there a cli way to reset the admin password?
  8. M

    Nginx 504 Gateway Time-out

    I am installing Debian 10 on AWS now. The FusionPBX AMI doesn't seem to work very well. Would I run into any issues running Debian 10 on AWS?
  9. M

    Nginx 504 Gateway Time-out

    I am running Debian 8 (Jessie) on AWS. I believe that is my issue. Debian 8 is no longer supported on AWS. When I try to upgrade it won't let me.
  10. M

    Nginx 504 Gateway Time-out

    After a reboot the server memory drops down to normal about 300+MB being used. But issue still persists, when I attempted to delete an outbound route, the server hung again.
  11. M

    Nginx 504 Gateway Time-out

    Not sure what is going on, but according to TOP s3fs has the highest memory usage of 5.3M, but the server is running out of memory. Now it went down a bit, but it will spike up to all 36GB used. admin@fusionpbx01:~$ top top - 22:31:54 up 269 days, 3:09, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.02...
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    Nginx 504 Gateway Time-out

    CPU is low, but memory is practically all used up. Server has 32GB of memory and it is all used up. Server has 0 calls up and 12 registrations. Any idea why?
  13. M

    Nginx 504 Gateway Time-out

    Hello, We have two servers that have been running on AWS for over a year now. This morning I attempted to login to them and at first everything seems fine, but after about 30 seconds of browsing the system the server just hangs and becomes unresponsive. Doesn't matter what I click on, I could...
  14. M

    blink presence

    I am using Blink as a soft client. How can I enable presence on it, so that users can tell when another user is online or away? Also is there an easy way to add all the users to Blink?
  15. M

    conference recording format

    Hello, Is there a way to change the conference recording default location of: /var/lib/freeswitch/recordings/<IP>/archive/2020/<month>/<day> /var/lib/freeswitch/recordings/ (so remove the month and date) Also change the format so something more readable such as conferenceID+date.wav or...
  16. M

    call me if I get a VoiceMail

    Hello, I have a mailbox that I need to get a call if I get a voicemail message. Is there something like this avail on FusionPBX? We have a shared mailbox for after-hours usage and based on whoever is on call, they should get notified that a new VM is avail and be able to check it. We dont...
  17. M

    dial plan for ,#*

    If I create a an outbound route as below, it routes to the conference server, but the other side only gets the conference number. So the client dials 31112223333,,1234#. I need for the calls to go out as 31112223333 and then wait for 2 seconds then dial 1234# ^3(\d{10}),,(\d{4})#$
  18. M

    dial plan for ,#*

    Hello, When your users receive an email invite to auto join conference bridges, the call does not go through. It does not find an outbound route. The users usually dial something similar to <ConfNumber>,,<pin># How can I setup a dial plan to allow special characters?
  19. M

    outbound calls without extension

    Hello, I have Cisco IAD with a couple of analog lines hanging off them. I have created a bridge on the inbound DID side and route the call the IAD. This is working fine. The problem is that when I try to make an outbound call. The call comes into the fusionPBX box as DID@CiscoIAD...
  20. M

    Updating Source - Git Issue

    It appears to be working fine, but for some reason all of a sudden the menu screen just becomes black and no options are avail. I have attempted several browsers and same issue.